Sebenarnya tidur didalam bilik dengan penghawa dingin tidaklah elok.. malah ianya dehydrate kulit dan membrane hidung kita dan banyka lagi...
Baca lah di bawah..
Thanks to home
::Sleeping in a cold room has no evidence of increasing your resistance to colds. In fact it may make your problem worse. And if the room is very cold and very dry then it may cause some serious complications as it would dry out the mucous membranes in your nose and will cause a very dry throat too so you would probably wake up with a sore throat, cold or a bad headache. If you like sleeping in a cold room then make sure you have a humidifier to balance the moisture in the room.::
causes of Obesity/increased body weight:
:decreased variability in the temperature of our surroundings (air con, heating, indoor lifestyles).
The temperature of our surroundings may play some part in our increasing weight problem. When we are cold we shiver – when we are hot we sweat ... both of those bodily processes burn calories in our attempts to maintain a stable body temperature.
When we are thermally comfortable ie. not too hot or too cold, we do not require energy consumption to maintain our body temperature, as our clothing and environmental heating or air con serve that function for us. This is what scientists call our thermoneutral zone (TNZ) and evidence suggests that we spend more time in this state than we used to in the past.
British household temperatures have risen by 5°C (9°F) over the past three decades from 1970. U.S. indoor thermal standards for winter comfort have risen from 18°C (64°F) in 1923 to 24.6°C (76°F) in 198626,27.
In the US, the proportion of households with no air conditioning dropped from 44% in 1978 to 28% in 1997. Taking a look at the extreme case, by 1997, 93% of households in the southern US (where some of the highest obesity rates in the world are found) had some form of air conditioning, compared with 74% in 197828.
Even in the UK, the amount of energy consumed by air conditioning has risen dramatically as more shop, offices and cars are fitted with air con to improve comfort levels.::
taken from Harry Clarke blog with
2. Climate control. Humans like to keep our core body temperatures pretty constant regardless of what's going on in the world. We do this by shivering or sweating. Keeping warm and staying cool take energy unless we are in the ‘thermoneutral zone’ of around 27 °C for a naked body - increasingly where we choose to live and work.
Ambient temperatures have changed in the past few decades. Between 1970 and 2000, the average British home warmed from a chilly 13 °C to 18 °C. In the US, the changes have been at the other end of the thermometer as the proportion of homes with air conditioning rose from 23 to 47% from 1978 to 1997. In the southern states - where obesity is highest - the houses with air con has shot up to 70% from 37% in 1978.
Studies of people in respiration chambers show that, in comfortable temperatures, we use less energy. In one study of women exposed to 27 °C versus 22 °C, it amounted to a difference of about a megajoule (239 kilocalories) a day. That's the amount of energy in 27 grams of body fat.
Sweating burns up energy, however, and there's good evidence that high temperatures reduce the amount people eat. Whether these factors significantly alter energy balance is not clear, but it's got to be worth investigating.
Monday, 29 November 2010
mandi air sejuk/air biasa tanpa water heater.....kebaikannya..
Kalau yang membesar dikampung, zaman dulu dulu, sebelum airpaip ada, mandi diperigi pukul 5 pagi, lepas tu kena berjalan beberapa meter untuk balik kerumah dengan kain basahan dan tuala mandi.
Perigi tu kiranya sebagai tempat public bath jadinya ramai keluarga yang keluar dengan timba, gayung sabun dan sebagainya ke perigi untuk mandi. Bayangkan jika pagi yang berangin, memang sejuk.
Ada pengalaman balik kampung mandi di perigi di pagi hari masa kecil. Sejuk air perigi kena ditubuh.. tapi ibu segera mengelap dan mengeringkan badan. Memang rasa segar..
Bila masuk alam persekolahan, bangun pukul 5 pagi mandi air paip bukan air perigi. Air didalam kolah.. bila terkena air terus terbuka segar mata.
Bila dah tua, dewasa, bila mandi air sejuk walaupun tidur tidak cukup dan ada sakit kepala, bila kena air kolah yang dingin terus segar dan darah menderu ke kepala. Sakir kepala terus hilang atau lega.
Bila siap berpakaian terus rasa segar. Tiadalah cranky mood itu ini .
Syukurlah kita tinggal di negara yang panas sepanjang tahun. Maka kita tidak perlu memkai water heater dan kena membayar bil elektrik yang tinggi. Dibawah diambil artikel artikel untuk kita berkongsi kebaikan mandi air sejuk..
Biasakan lah anak anak untuk mandi air didalam suhu biasa/air sejuk tanpa pemanas dari mereka kecil. Trick nya mandikan anak anak yang kecil lewat didalam pukul ,10 pagi keatas ketika matahari sudah memancar, jadi mereka tidak rasa sejuk sangat. Cara menyesuaikan tubuh mereka mandi air sejuk/suhu biasa tanpa water heater.
Mandi air sejuk ini amat menyihatkan. perhatikan mak mak, bapa. tok nenek moyang, semua mandi sepanjang hidup mereka mana ada pakai water heater? Sihat dan panjang umur, demam demamni jarang kena.
malas nak translate articles dibawah, bacalah ya...
This bit taken ::from earth cliniic: with thanks:
Generally speaking, hot showers are not good as they tend to depress the various physiological systems of the body.
Cold showers have the following positive effects:
* Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.
* Cleans the circulatory system.
* Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.
* Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.
* Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
* Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.
* Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
Many health problems are reduced or even eliminated over time by providing proper circulation of the blood to the affected area using the cold shower massage.
::Cold showers are good for you - official::
::Sunday, 21 November 1999 taken fr with thanks:
Cold showers and cold baths, which were part of the regular regime of Edwardian gentlemen, may be set for a comeback. Later generations have dismissed cold showers as a masochistic fetish designed to control sexual appetite. But now German doctors have found that immersion in cold water has beneficial effects on body chemistry.
Cold showers and cold baths, which were part of the regular regime of Edwardian gentlemen, may be set for a comeback. Later generations have dismissed cold showers as a masochistic fetish designed to control sexual appetite. But now German doctors have found that immersion in cold water has beneficial effects on body chemistry.
Year-round swimmers in Berlin have half as many chest infections as other people, say doctors from the Herzog-Julius Hospital in Bad Harzburg and the Medical School at Humboldt University in Berlin. Swimming in freezing water, cold plunges in ice water following a sauna, and other forms of cold immersion harden the body and benefit health by increasing resistance to chest infections, the German doctors say.
Dr Werner Siems, a biochemist at Herzog-Julius Hospital became interested after observing patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were given exposure to cold at -110C for up to three minutes at a time. Patients, who wear shoes and gloves and special protection for the nose, mouth, ears and other sensitive parts, report a reduction in pain following treatment in the cold chamber.
Studies of year-round swimmers, both men and women, have found that regular exposure to cold changes the body's chemistry, making it more resistant to oxidative stress. The swimmers' bodies have increased quantities of a substance, glutathione, and elevated levels of several enzymes that enable the body to remove reactive oxygen from the body more quickly.
It appears that swimming in cold water may help the body combat natural decay caused by reactive oxygen. Among the possible, but as yet unproven benefits could be protection against heart and blood vessel disease. "Modern life has a deficiency of stimulating factors such as cold, heat and physical stress and this results in poor resistance to disease," said Dr Siems. "Brief exposure to cold causes a mild oxidative stress which may prepare the body to resist a greater stress."
Cold treatment is popular in Siberia, where it has been witnessed by Professor William Keatinge, of Queen Mary and Westfield College in London, an expert on cold exposure.
"In Russia they call this treatment Ivanov therapy after a guru who walks in the snow barefoot and without a shirt," Professor Keatinge said. "I saw a number of expectant mothers in Krasnoyarsk, central Siberia, troop out of the hospital clinic into the snow in bikinis, meditate for a few minutes, and then troop back.
"But I was even more astonished to see a newborn baby given Ivanov therapy. The baby was only a few hours old when a nurse poured a bucket of ice-cold water over its head. Then I was shown a one-year-old boy who had been given the treatment every day of his life. He had become so used to cold water that he continued to play on the floor after it was poured over him as if nothing had happened."
Russian doctors particularly recommend the ice-water treatment for what they call post-Chernobyl syndrome, an anxiety condition recognised in Russia which may have psychological aspects similar to ME, the persistent fatigue syndrome.
Professor Keatinge has for many years been studying the increase in deaths in this country during the winter. He has shown that some 30,000 people in Britain die each winter as a result of exposure to cold. These are mostly older people who go outdoors wearing insufficient clothing during cold weather when they may, for example, have to wait in the cold at a bus stop.
"Cold stress acting over a period of half-an-hour to several hours causes the blood to become more concentrated and increases the risk of a heart attack," said Professor Keatinge. "Shorter exposures to cold may make people more resistant to it, but there are risks. People who swim in the cold may suffer heart attacks. So it is not advisable for older people, unless they have been doing it for a long time. It is particularly ill-advised for anyone who suffers from angina."
'It's brilliant. It is like an addiction'
The air had a frosty nip as Chris Ruocco dived into water at 9C (48F), writes Oliver Gillie. Every morning, winter or summer, Mr Ruocco swims in Highgate pond, north London, along with other members of the Highgate Lifebuoys.
He began swimming in the pond at the age of 10, when, as a boy boxer, he worked out with the legendary trainer, Georgie Francis, and has been swimming year in, year out ever since. The cold baptism of Highgate ponds has blessed a generation of boxers such as Frank Bruno, John Conteh, Cornelius Boza Edwards, and Bunny Stirling who all hardened themselves in its water under the guidance of Francis.
"It is good for toughening up," said Mr Ruocco, who won prizes in the ring as a young amateur.
The cold plunge gives Mr Ruocco a big lift before he begins his work as a tailor. His clients have included pop groups such as Wham!, Bananarama and Spandau Ballet. Now after more than three decades of toughening up Mr Ruocco does not look his age.
"An hour after swimming you feel a glorious glow through the body. It's brilliant. I have to do it. It is like an addiction," he said. In the winter the Lifebuoys have to break the ice before they can swim.
Along with a few others Mr Ruocco swims year round despite warnings from Health and Safety Officers employed by the City of London Corporation who are responsible for Highgate pond.
Tim Graydon, secretary of the Lifebuoys, warns: "You have to build up to it slowly. I wouldn't recommend cold swimming for someone who does not take other regular exercise. It doesn't matter who you are, diving into cold water in mid-winter is a shock to the system. Nobody can stand cold water for long - you have to get out sharpish."
The Lifebuoys, who were founded in 1903, run a Christmas day race which has had to be cancelled twice when the ice was too thick to break.
Article below taken from with many thanks
Cold Water Therapy
You’re in the middle of a nice, hot shower, feeling your muscles relax, the day’s tension (or night’s sleepiness) melt away. As you bask in the quiet moment of repose, suddenly your body gets a startling jolt. After a second of disoriented shock, you realize something has happened to the hot water. Did someone start the washer? Is the water heater going berserk? Your hopes of relaxation now dashed, your stress level through the roof, you finish only the most obligatory rinsing and step out of the shower cursing, muttering and shivering as you reach for your towel.
But does a cold shower need to ruin the day? Can they actually be more than a nuisance, but a legitimate health therapy as some say? We thought we’d do some digging to explore the notion MDA reader Alex recently put forth: “The way Grok kept himself clean sure wasn’t with sustained periods of temperature controlled hot water. Maybe we shouldn’t either.” The results we found were very intriguing (and encouraging) indeed.
The underlying premise of cold water therapy is that briefly and somewhat regularly exposing the body to certain kinds of natural stresses (like cold water) can enhance health. Promoters of cold water therapy say that it can boost immune function, decrease inflammation and pain, and increase blood flow. Some argue that a shower setting is suitable, while others say some level of immersion is necessary for real benefit. What does the research say? Here’s what we found.
The benefits of cold water therapy appear to depend on the subject’s adaptation over time. In other words, regular polar dips seem to enhance long term health, but a single cold burst in the shower won’t offer much beyond a good wake-up jolt. The power of cold water therapy, it seems, is in the habituation itself.
In studies comparing regular winter swimmers with subjects not adapted to cold immersion, winter swimmers showed an ability “to survive a significantly greater temperature gradient between body and environment than non-cold-adapted subjects.” Their advantage over the non-adapted subjects was a modification of the “sensory functions of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centres to lower heat loss and produce less heat during cold exposure.” The researchers concluded that regular winter swimmers show “metabolic, hypothermic and insulative” kinds of adaptation to cold temperatures.
Cold showers, research shows, can help this habituation process, but only water at 10 degrees Celsius (as opposed to 15 degrees C) made a difference. Habituation also seems to be somewhat long-term. In a British study, subjects’ responses showed that habituation to cold water lasted 7-14 months as measured by respiration and heart rate.
Some of the specific benefits? A German study examined oxidative stress associated with ice-bathing in regular winter swimmers and found these swimmers showed an “adaptive response” through enhanced “antioxidative defense” as measured by several blood markers.
Other research highlighting cold water’s effect on immunity shows an increase in both the number and activity of peripheral cytotoxic T lymphocytes in those regularly exposed to cold therapies.
Full body cold water immersion and cryotherapy (cold air chamber) also resulted in a sustained increase in norepinephrine, which substantiates the long-term pain relief touted by cold therapy promoters. Exposure to cold also increases metabolic rate.
Finally, the benefits of cold water therapy show promise for those with chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic heart failure, and some (non-lymphoid) types of cancers.
So, are you intrigued yet? Though the jury may still be out on some of the findings related to specific medical conditions, healthy individuals seem to have much to gain from the cold. It’s all about upregulating our systems, taxing them in a healthy, natural way like intermittent fasting. While the findings don’t suggest people should, in the name of health, give up hot showers altogether (who would give them up even if they did!) Alex may have a legitimate point after all. We will be keeping our eyes and ears open for new research around cold water therapy for future posts.
Some specific suggestions based on the findings? Very cold showers appear to be beneficial for the purpose of habituation, but we’d recommend alternating them occasionally with immersion when you can. Those of you in Northern climates might have more fun and social occasions (e.g. New Year’s polar dips) for such an exercise, but we can all spare the water heater for a day now and then for a nice cold dip in the old tub.
Article from ::blogfind healthy food:: with thanks
::Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit::
-The health benefits of a cold shower therapy.-
Nobody can deny that a cold shower is stimulating. When having a cold shower in the morning, our body, which are still left exhausted after sleeping at night can feel fresh and be ready to perform our daily activities. Cold showers stimulate the circulation, help the body rid itself of toxins, and can even promote energy and a sense of well-being.
Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit
The reason for this is the shocking effect a cold shower has on the system. As the change in temperature is the most important aspect of a cold shower, ensure that you shower in a warm room. If taken regularly, cold showers can increase your general health as well as help you feel energetic in the short term. Yoga practitioners recommend cold showers to help build immunity to cold and flu.
Showering with cold water everyday fools your body into thinking that you are about to get sick, so your immune system gets triggered and is prepared for any virus or microbes coming your way for the rest of the day. The other good news for men who want to pursue the cold shower treatment, cold showers may actually help if you are a male trying to father a child. This is because a cold shower stimulates the testicles so that they produce more sperm.
Hot showers cause depression, bad posture, back pain, lowering of the immune system, low energy, they are horrible for your skin as they dry it out completely and makes your skin looser and makes you look older, its bad for your hair as it also dries it out and makes it weak and brittle.
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
You should not try cold showers if you have a heart problem. Cold showers may cause discomfort to women during menstruation. These folks should try a lukewarm shower instead and avoid giving shocks to the body.
Cold showers have the following positive health effects:
•Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.
•Increase men fertility by produce more high quality sperm
•Cleans the circulatory system.
•Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.
•Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.
•Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
•Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.
•Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
When we have cold showers, it sets the heart pumping, pushing oxygen and blood throughout the body at a higher rate. It contracts the muscles, which then take in fresh blood and release toxins. It stimulates circulation to all areas of the body. It also prompts a release of chemicals from your brain, waking you up. Once you are out of the shower, the increased circulation of oxygen in your body should give you a sense of calm and well-being.
Article taken from with thanks
::A friend of mine is 45 years old, has no gray hair, and very good skin for her age. I wanted to find out if there was anything in her routine that could have been a reason for such youthful looks for her age (all without any surgery by the way!). Leaving genetics out of the equation for a moment, the one interesting thing that popped up was the fact that she takes a cold shower every morning. So I did a little research about the subject and found 4 main benefits that you gain by taking cold showers.
Now when I say cold shower, I want to clarify exactly what I mean by that. Taking a full cold shower, meaning no hot or warm or lukewarm water at all, is borderline torture! Especially in the cold winter months (I am from Montreal, and it is VERY cold here!). Besides, there are many benefits to taking a warm shower, the primary one being that it feels really good! But seriously, what I mean in this context, is the practice of starting with a warm shower, and ending the last few minutes with cool to cold water. Here are the benefits that you gain by incorporating a cold shower into your shower routine:
1- Better Circulation
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
2- Better looking skin
When you shower with warm water, it opens up your pores. Then you wash and this cleans up your pores. That’s all good. When you end, it would be best to close your pores and cold water does just that. It’s good to close your pores after you are all cleaned up because it will prevent the pores from being easily clogged by dirt and oil, which causes skin imperfections such as acne for example. Another benefit is that cold water makes your blood vessels constrict which reduces swelling and the appearance of dark circles under your eyes (where skin is at its thinnest). This provides you with a young, healthy glow.
3- Healthier hair
Cold water makes your hair look healthier and shinier. As a matter of fact, cool air makes your hair shinier too (that’s why there is a cool air button on your hair dryer). What the cold water does is that it closes the cuticle which makes the hair stronger and prevents dirt from easily accumulating within your scalp. Basically, the same principle with how it closes the pores of your skin as mentioned above. Stronger hair, of course, prevents hair from being easily pulled out when you are combing, and it helps in slowing down overall hair loss.
4- Mental benefits
There are plenty of mental benefits to ending your shower with cold water. The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi. This was a purification ritual on a spiritual level. They believe that it cleansed their spirit and helped start a new day & new adventure fresh. Cold water obviously helps waking you up, which is what you want in the morning. Also, it energizes you and invigorates your entire being with the essence of life. Give it a try, you will definitely feel more alive! It can also lift you up if you are feeling a little down or unmotivated.
Ending your shower with cold water clearly has its advantages. Many benefits to cold showers, as you can see. I know this is something that can be very difficult for many people to do. The key is to not torture yourself. Go about it gradually. Start with a level of cold you can deal with, and slowly make it colder after each shower. As long as you get your feet wet (no pun intended!), and begin adding this routine at the end of your showers, you will be on your way to making a habit out of it and enjoy the benefits that this practice can bring you. Who knows, maybe you can avoid gray hair altogether like my friend! Maybe the fountain of youth is made up of very cold water?! ::
::the article below taken from with many thanks..
Want to experience the benefits of hormesis very directly? Take a cold shower! And don’t just try it once, make it a habit and take cold showers daily. I have been doing it daily for the past six months and am loving it!
As one form of hydrotherapy, the health benefits of cold water therapy are numerous. Cold showers provide a gentle form of stress that leads to thermogenesis (internal generation of body heat), turning on the body’s adaptive repair systems to strengthen immunity, enhance pain and stress tolerance, and ward off depression, overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, and stimulate anti-tumor responses.
Some people advocate starting with a warm shower, and switching over to cool or cold water only at the end of the shower. This is fine, particularly if you are afraid that a pure cold shower would just be too uncomfortable or intolerable. But I prefer just jumping right in. When you start with cold water, you will experience the phenomenon of cold shock, an involuntary response characterized by a sudden rapid breathing and increased heart rate. This in itself is very beneficial. The extent of cold shock has been shown to decrease with habituation, and exposure to colder water (10C or 50F) appears to be more effective than just cool water (15 C or 59F) in promoting habituation. The habituation itself is what is most beneficial, both objectively and subjectively. There is an analogy here with high intensity resistance exercise and interval training, both of which elevate heart rate and lead to long term adaptations to stress, with improved cardiovascular capacity and athletic performance.
But cold showers provide a different and probably complementary type of habituation to that which results from exercise. A study of winter swimmers compared them with a control group in their physiological response to being immersed in cold water: Both groups responded to cold water by thermogenesis (internal production of body heat), but the winter swimmers did so by raising their core temperature and did not shiver until much later than the controls, whereas the control subjects responded by shivering to increase their peripheral temperatures. The winter swimmers also tolerated much larger temperature differences and conserved their energy better. Other studies confirm that the benefits of habituation show up only after several weeks of cold showering. For example, adaptation to cold leads to increased output of the beneficial “short term stress” hormones adrenaline and thyroxine, leading to mobilization of fatty acids, and substantial fat loss over a 1-2 week period.
So regular cold showers, like high intensity exercise, and intermittent fasting, appear to provide similar, but not identical hormetic benefits.
But now I’d like to focus on the subjective experience of taking cold showers, something not commented on in many of the studies I’ve read. If you follow my approach and plunge right into a cold shower, you’ll get the initial “cold shock” mentioned above: a quickened pace of breathing and a pumping heart. Often I find myself involuntarily smiling or even laughing. For waking up, this beats caffeine. I keep the water cold the whole time. It helps to brace yourself when entering by gritting your teeth and stiffening your muscles. Go in head first and alternate from back to front to make sure you are getting cold all over, including your hands and arms and any sensitive zones. After about a minute, you’ll find the cold water starts to become more tolerable, and after 2 or 3 minutes you’ll feel your body getting warm by its own efforts. This is thermogenesis. I make a point of staying in the shower until I’m no longer uncomfortable. I found that at first my hands were the most sensitive part, and now they are no longer as sensitive, so they have habituated.
When I started taking cold showers, I measured the water temperature at around 60 F (16 C), but over time I have reduced this somewhat to 50-55 F (10-13C) as my body has adapted. (You can determine this by bringing into the shower a plastic cup and meat or candy thermometer and collecting some water once the temperature equilibrates). Of course, depending on where you live and the season, there is a lower limit to how cold you can go, but in general you should be able to get at least as cold as 60F in most places. Also, my cold showers used to be very short, maybe 4 or 5 minutes, but now they last as long as my previous warm showers, perhaps 10 minutes. I still take the occasional warm shower, perhaps once every week or so, but I prefer the cold ones.
I find that cold showers are great for the mood. Not only are they physically invigorating, they make you feel alive, vital and ready to take on the day. They stimulate thinking early in the morning. I also believe that they have the effect of slightly raising blood glucose very quickly — by perhaps 10 mg/dl, and thereby have an appetite suppressing effect. Generally, this rise in blood glucose is relatively short in duration, but that’s good enough to prime the pump and get the day started. This effect of cold showers works well with my practice of skipping breakfast most days and often fasting until dinner.
These effects are apparent with the first cold shower. If you continue the practice for several weeks, you’ll find the psychological benefits are even greater. First and foremost, cold showers appear to have improved my stress tolerance, by buffering emotional reactions. What I mean by this is that bad news, surprises, arguments, or events that would have previously caused a brief surge in adrenaline or an emotional flush, no longer have that effect, or at most have a very attenuated effect. I think this is a consequence of becoming acclimated to the the adrenaline-producing effect of the cold shock. A deeper explanation of why cold showers are effective in boosting mood, and why the psychological benefits of cold showers increase the longer and more frequently you take them is addressed in my recent post on the opponent-process theory of emotions.
As with any application of Hormetism, you can experiment with the intensity of cold, the duration, and the frequency of cold showers to improve your tolerance at a tolerable rate. If you find that your heart is beating uncomfortably fast or you are going numb, that’s a good reason to ease into the routine more slowly. But don’t sell yourself short and rush through a cold shower, because you may find that extending a few more minutes provides the greatest benefits in adapting your body to tolerate stress. Not just cold stress — but physical and emotional stress in general
Perigi tu kiranya sebagai tempat public bath jadinya ramai keluarga yang keluar dengan timba, gayung sabun dan sebagainya ke perigi untuk mandi. Bayangkan jika pagi yang berangin, memang sejuk.
Ada pengalaman balik kampung mandi di perigi di pagi hari masa kecil. Sejuk air perigi kena ditubuh.. tapi ibu segera mengelap dan mengeringkan badan. Memang rasa segar..
Bila masuk alam persekolahan, bangun pukul 5 pagi mandi air paip bukan air perigi. Air didalam kolah.. bila terkena air terus terbuka segar mata.
Bila dah tua, dewasa, bila mandi air sejuk walaupun tidur tidak cukup dan ada sakit kepala, bila kena air kolah yang dingin terus segar dan darah menderu ke kepala. Sakir kepala terus hilang atau lega.
Bila siap berpakaian terus rasa segar. Tiadalah cranky mood itu ini .
Syukurlah kita tinggal di negara yang panas sepanjang tahun. Maka kita tidak perlu memkai water heater dan kena membayar bil elektrik yang tinggi. Dibawah diambil artikel artikel untuk kita berkongsi kebaikan mandi air sejuk..
Biasakan lah anak anak untuk mandi air didalam suhu biasa/air sejuk tanpa pemanas dari mereka kecil. Trick nya mandikan anak anak yang kecil lewat didalam pukul ,10 pagi keatas ketika matahari sudah memancar, jadi mereka tidak rasa sejuk sangat. Cara menyesuaikan tubuh mereka mandi air sejuk/suhu biasa tanpa water heater.
Mandi air sejuk ini amat menyihatkan. perhatikan mak mak, bapa. tok nenek moyang, semua mandi sepanjang hidup mereka mana ada pakai water heater? Sihat dan panjang umur, demam demamni jarang kena.
malas nak translate articles dibawah, bacalah ya...
This bit taken ::from earth cliniic: with thanks:
Generally speaking, hot showers are not good as they tend to depress the various physiological systems of the body.
Cold showers have the following positive effects:
* Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.
* Cleans the circulatory system.
* Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.
* Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.
* Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
* Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.
* Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
Many health problems are reduced or even eliminated over time by providing proper circulation of the blood to the affected area using the cold shower massage.
::Cold showers are good for you - official::
::Sunday, 21 November 1999 taken fr with thanks:
Cold showers and cold baths, which were part of the regular regime of Edwardian gentlemen, may be set for a comeback. Later generations have dismissed cold showers as a masochistic fetish designed to control sexual appetite. But now German doctors have found that immersion in cold water has beneficial effects on body chemistry.
Cold showers and cold baths, which were part of the regular regime of Edwardian gentlemen, may be set for a comeback. Later generations have dismissed cold showers as a masochistic fetish designed to control sexual appetite. But now German doctors have found that immersion in cold water has beneficial effects on body chemistry.
Year-round swimmers in Berlin have half as many chest infections as other people, say doctors from the Herzog-Julius Hospital in Bad Harzburg and the Medical School at Humboldt University in Berlin. Swimming in freezing water, cold plunges in ice water following a sauna, and other forms of cold immersion harden the body and benefit health by increasing resistance to chest infections, the German doctors say.
Dr Werner Siems, a biochemist at Herzog-Julius Hospital became interested after observing patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were given exposure to cold at -110C for up to three minutes at a time. Patients, who wear shoes and gloves and special protection for the nose, mouth, ears and other sensitive parts, report a reduction in pain following treatment in the cold chamber.
Studies of year-round swimmers, both men and women, have found that regular exposure to cold changes the body's chemistry, making it more resistant to oxidative stress. The swimmers' bodies have increased quantities of a substance, glutathione, and elevated levels of several enzymes that enable the body to remove reactive oxygen from the body more quickly.
It appears that swimming in cold water may help the body combat natural decay caused by reactive oxygen. Among the possible, but as yet unproven benefits could be protection against heart and blood vessel disease. "Modern life has a deficiency of stimulating factors such as cold, heat and physical stress and this results in poor resistance to disease," said Dr Siems. "Brief exposure to cold causes a mild oxidative stress which may prepare the body to resist a greater stress."
Cold treatment is popular in Siberia, where it has been witnessed by Professor William Keatinge, of Queen Mary and Westfield College in London, an expert on cold exposure.
"In Russia they call this treatment Ivanov therapy after a guru who walks in the snow barefoot and without a shirt," Professor Keatinge said. "I saw a number of expectant mothers in Krasnoyarsk, central Siberia, troop out of the hospital clinic into the snow in bikinis, meditate for a few minutes, and then troop back.
"But I was even more astonished to see a newborn baby given Ivanov therapy. The baby was only a few hours old when a nurse poured a bucket of ice-cold water over its head. Then I was shown a one-year-old boy who had been given the treatment every day of his life. He had become so used to cold water that he continued to play on the floor after it was poured over him as if nothing had happened."
Russian doctors particularly recommend the ice-water treatment for what they call post-Chernobyl syndrome, an anxiety condition recognised in Russia which may have psychological aspects similar to ME, the persistent fatigue syndrome.
Professor Keatinge has for many years been studying the increase in deaths in this country during the winter. He has shown that some 30,000 people in Britain die each winter as a result of exposure to cold. These are mostly older people who go outdoors wearing insufficient clothing during cold weather when they may, for example, have to wait in the cold at a bus stop.
"Cold stress acting over a period of half-an-hour to several hours causes the blood to become more concentrated and increases the risk of a heart attack," said Professor Keatinge. "Shorter exposures to cold may make people more resistant to it, but there are risks. People who swim in the cold may suffer heart attacks. So it is not advisable for older people, unless they have been doing it for a long time. It is particularly ill-advised for anyone who suffers from angina."
'It's brilliant. It is like an addiction'
The air had a frosty nip as Chris Ruocco dived into water at 9C (48F), writes Oliver Gillie. Every morning, winter or summer, Mr Ruocco swims in Highgate pond, north London, along with other members of the Highgate Lifebuoys.
He began swimming in the pond at the age of 10, when, as a boy boxer, he worked out with the legendary trainer, Georgie Francis, and has been swimming year in, year out ever since. The cold baptism of Highgate ponds has blessed a generation of boxers such as Frank Bruno, John Conteh, Cornelius Boza Edwards, and Bunny Stirling who all hardened themselves in its water under the guidance of Francis.
"It is good for toughening up," said Mr Ruocco, who won prizes in the ring as a young amateur.
The cold plunge gives Mr Ruocco a big lift before he begins his work as a tailor. His clients have included pop groups such as Wham!, Bananarama and Spandau Ballet. Now after more than three decades of toughening up Mr Ruocco does not look his age.
"An hour after swimming you feel a glorious glow through the body. It's brilliant. I have to do it. It is like an addiction," he said. In the winter the Lifebuoys have to break the ice before they can swim.
Along with a few others Mr Ruocco swims year round despite warnings from Health and Safety Officers employed by the City of London Corporation who are responsible for Highgate pond.
Tim Graydon, secretary of the Lifebuoys, warns: "You have to build up to it slowly. I wouldn't recommend cold swimming for someone who does not take other regular exercise. It doesn't matter who you are, diving into cold water in mid-winter is a shock to the system. Nobody can stand cold water for long - you have to get out sharpish."
The Lifebuoys, who were founded in 1903, run a Christmas day race which has had to be cancelled twice when the ice was too thick to break.
Article below taken from with many thanks
Cold Water Therapy
You’re in the middle of a nice, hot shower, feeling your muscles relax, the day’s tension (or night’s sleepiness) melt away. As you bask in the quiet moment of repose, suddenly your body gets a startling jolt. After a second of disoriented shock, you realize something has happened to the hot water. Did someone start the washer? Is the water heater going berserk? Your hopes of relaxation now dashed, your stress level through the roof, you finish only the most obligatory rinsing and step out of the shower cursing, muttering and shivering as you reach for your towel.
But does a cold shower need to ruin the day? Can they actually be more than a nuisance, but a legitimate health therapy as some say? We thought we’d do some digging to explore the notion MDA reader Alex recently put forth: “The way Grok kept himself clean sure wasn’t with sustained periods of temperature controlled hot water. Maybe we shouldn’t either.” The results we found were very intriguing (and encouraging) indeed.
The underlying premise of cold water therapy is that briefly and somewhat regularly exposing the body to certain kinds of natural stresses (like cold water) can enhance health. Promoters of cold water therapy say that it can boost immune function, decrease inflammation and pain, and increase blood flow. Some argue that a shower setting is suitable, while others say some level of immersion is necessary for real benefit. What does the research say? Here’s what we found.
The benefits of cold water therapy appear to depend on the subject’s adaptation over time. In other words, regular polar dips seem to enhance long term health, but a single cold burst in the shower won’t offer much beyond a good wake-up jolt. The power of cold water therapy, it seems, is in the habituation itself.
In studies comparing regular winter swimmers with subjects not adapted to cold immersion, winter swimmers showed an ability “to survive a significantly greater temperature gradient between body and environment than non-cold-adapted subjects.” Their advantage over the non-adapted subjects was a modification of the “sensory functions of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centres to lower heat loss and produce less heat during cold exposure.” The researchers concluded that regular winter swimmers show “metabolic, hypothermic and insulative” kinds of adaptation to cold temperatures.
Cold showers, research shows, can help this habituation process, but only water at 10 degrees Celsius (as opposed to 15 degrees C) made a difference. Habituation also seems to be somewhat long-term. In a British study, subjects’ responses showed that habituation to cold water lasted 7-14 months as measured by respiration and heart rate.
Some of the specific benefits? A German study examined oxidative stress associated with ice-bathing in regular winter swimmers and found these swimmers showed an “adaptive response” through enhanced “antioxidative defense” as measured by several blood markers.
Other research highlighting cold water’s effect on immunity shows an increase in both the number and activity of peripheral cytotoxic T lymphocytes in those regularly exposed to cold therapies.
Full body cold water immersion and cryotherapy (cold air chamber) also resulted in a sustained increase in norepinephrine, which substantiates the long-term pain relief touted by cold therapy promoters. Exposure to cold also increases metabolic rate.
Finally, the benefits of cold water therapy show promise for those with chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic heart failure, and some (non-lymphoid) types of cancers.
So, are you intrigued yet? Though the jury may still be out on some of the findings related to specific medical conditions, healthy individuals seem to have much to gain from the cold. It’s all about upregulating our systems, taxing them in a healthy, natural way like intermittent fasting. While the findings don’t suggest people should, in the name of health, give up hot showers altogether (who would give them up even if they did!) Alex may have a legitimate point after all. We will be keeping our eyes and ears open for new research around cold water therapy for future posts.
Some specific suggestions based on the findings? Very cold showers appear to be beneficial for the purpose of habituation, but we’d recommend alternating them occasionally with immersion when you can. Those of you in Northern climates might have more fun and social occasions (e.g. New Year’s polar dips) for such an exercise, but we can all spare the water heater for a day now and then for a nice cold dip in the old tub.
Article from ::blogfind healthy food:: with thanks
::Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit::
-The health benefits of a cold shower therapy.-
Nobody can deny that a cold shower is stimulating. When having a cold shower in the morning, our body, which are still left exhausted after sleeping at night can feel fresh and be ready to perform our daily activities. Cold showers stimulate the circulation, help the body rid itself of toxins, and can even promote energy and a sense of well-being.
Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit
The reason for this is the shocking effect a cold shower has on the system. As the change in temperature is the most important aspect of a cold shower, ensure that you shower in a warm room. If taken regularly, cold showers can increase your general health as well as help you feel energetic in the short term. Yoga practitioners recommend cold showers to help build immunity to cold and flu.
Showering with cold water everyday fools your body into thinking that you are about to get sick, so your immune system gets triggered and is prepared for any virus or microbes coming your way for the rest of the day. The other good news for men who want to pursue the cold shower treatment, cold showers may actually help if you are a male trying to father a child. This is because a cold shower stimulates the testicles so that they produce more sperm.
Hot showers cause depression, bad posture, back pain, lowering of the immune system, low energy, they are horrible for your skin as they dry it out completely and makes your skin looser and makes you look older, its bad for your hair as it also dries it out and makes it weak and brittle.
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
You should not try cold showers if you have a heart problem. Cold showers may cause discomfort to women during menstruation. These folks should try a lukewarm shower instead and avoid giving shocks to the body.
Cold showers have the following positive health effects:
•Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.
•Increase men fertility by produce more high quality sperm
•Cleans the circulatory system.
•Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.
•Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.
•Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
•Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.
•Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
When we have cold showers, it sets the heart pumping, pushing oxygen and blood throughout the body at a higher rate. It contracts the muscles, which then take in fresh blood and release toxins. It stimulates circulation to all areas of the body. It also prompts a release of chemicals from your brain, waking you up. Once you are out of the shower, the increased circulation of oxygen in your body should give you a sense of calm and well-being.
Article taken from with thanks
::A friend of mine is 45 years old, has no gray hair, and very good skin for her age. I wanted to find out if there was anything in her routine that could have been a reason for such youthful looks for her age (all without any surgery by the way!). Leaving genetics out of the equation for a moment, the one interesting thing that popped up was the fact that she takes a cold shower every morning. So I did a little research about the subject and found 4 main benefits that you gain by taking cold showers.
Now when I say cold shower, I want to clarify exactly what I mean by that. Taking a full cold shower, meaning no hot or warm or lukewarm water at all, is borderline torture! Especially in the cold winter months (I am from Montreal, and it is VERY cold here!). Besides, there are many benefits to taking a warm shower, the primary one being that it feels really good! But seriously, what I mean in this context, is the practice of starting with a warm shower, and ending the last few minutes with cool to cold water. Here are the benefits that you gain by incorporating a cold shower into your shower routine:
1- Better Circulation
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
2- Better looking skin
When you shower with warm water, it opens up your pores. Then you wash and this cleans up your pores. That’s all good. When you end, it would be best to close your pores and cold water does just that. It’s good to close your pores after you are all cleaned up because it will prevent the pores from being easily clogged by dirt and oil, which causes skin imperfections such as acne for example. Another benefit is that cold water makes your blood vessels constrict which reduces swelling and the appearance of dark circles under your eyes (where skin is at its thinnest). This provides you with a young, healthy glow.
3- Healthier hair
Cold water makes your hair look healthier and shinier. As a matter of fact, cool air makes your hair shinier too (that’s why there is a cool air button on your hair dryer). What the cold water does is that it closes the cuticle which makes the hair stronger and prevents dirt from easily accumulating within your scalp. Basically, the same principle with how it closes the pores of your skin as mentioned above. Stronger hair, of course, prevents hair from being easily pulled out when you are combing, and it helps in slowing down overall hair loss.
4- Mental benefits
There are plenty of mental benefits to ending your shower with cold water. The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi. This was a purification ritual on a spiritual level. They believe that it cleansed their spirit and helped start a new day & new adventure fresh. Cold water obviously helps waking you up, which is what you want in the morning. Also, it energizes you and invigorates your entire being with the essence of life. Give it a try, you will definitely feel more alive! It can also lift you up if you are feeling a little down or unmotivated.
Ending your shower with cold water clearly has its advantages. Many benefits to cold showers, as you can see. I know this is something that can be very difficult for many people to do. The key is to not torture yourself. Go about it gradually. Start with a level of cold you can deal with, and slowly make it colder after each shower. As long as you get your feet wet (no pun intended!), and begin adding this routine at the end of your showers, you will be on your way to making a habit out of it and enjoy the benefits that this practice can bring you. Who knows, maybe you can avoid gray hair altogether like my friend! Maybe the fountain of youth is made up of very cold water?! ::
::the article below taken from with many thanks..
Want to experience the benefits of hormesis very directly? Take a cold shower! And don’t just try it once, make it a habit and take cold showers daily. I have been doing it daily for the past six months and am loving it!
As one form of hydrotherapy, the health benefits of cold water therapy are numerous. Cold showers provide a gentle form of stress that leads to thermogenesis (internal generation of body heat), turning on the body’s adaptive repair systems to strengthen immunity, enhance pain and stress tolerance, and ward off depression, overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, and stimulate anti-tumor responses.
Some people advocate starting with a warm shower, and switching over to cool or cold water only at the end of the shower. This is fine, particularly if you are afraid that a pure cold shower would just be too uncomfortable or intolerable. But I prefer just jumping right in. When you start with cold water, you will experience the phenomenon of cold shock, an involuntary response characterized by a sudden rapid breathing and increased heart rate. This in itself is very beneficial. The extent of cold shock has been shown to decrease with habituation, and exposure to colder water (10C or 50F) appears to be more effective than just cool water (15 C or 59F) in promoting habituation. The habituation itself is what is most beneficial, both objectively and subjectively. There is an analogy here with high intensity resistance exercise and interval training, both of which elevate heart rate and lead to long term adaptations to stress, with improved cardiovascular capacity and athletic performance.
But cold showers provide a different and probably complementary type of habituation to that which results from exercise. A study of winter swimmers compared them with a control group in their physiological response to being immersed in cold water: Both groups responded to cold water by thermogenesis (internal production of body heat), but the winter swimmers did so by raising their core temperature and did not shiver until much later than the controls, whereas the control subjects responded by shivering to increase their peripheral temperatures. The winter swimmers also tolerated much larger temperature differences and conserved their energy better. Other studies confirm that the benefits of habituation show up only after several weeks of cold showering. For example, adaptation to cold leads to increased output of the beneficial “short term stress” hormones adrenaline and thyroxine, leading to mobilization of fatty acids, and substantial fat loss over a 1-2 week period.
So regular cold showers, like high intensity exercise, and intermittent fasting, appear to provide similar, but not identical hormetic benefits.
But now I’d like to focus on the subjective experience of taking cold showers, something not commented on in many of the studies I’ve read. If you follow my approach and plunge right into a cold shower, you’ll get the initial “cold shock” mentioned above: a quickened pace of breathing and a pumping heart. Often I find myself involuntarily smiling or even laughing. For waking up, this beats caffeine. I keep the water cold the whole time. It helps to brace yourself when entering by gritting your teeth and stiffening your muscles. Go in head first and alternate from back to front to make sure you are getting cold all over, including your hands and arms and any sensitive zones. After about a minute, you’ll find the cold water starts to become more tolerable, and after 2 or 3 minutes you’ll feel your body getting warm by its own efforts. This is thermogenesis. I make a point of staying in the shower until I’m no longer uncomfortable. I found that at first my hands were the most sensitive part, and now they are no longer as sensitive, so they have habituated.
When I started taking cold showers, I measured the water temperature at around 60 F (16 C), but over time I have reduced this somewhat to 50-55 F (10-13C) as my body has adapted. (You can determine this by bringing into the shower a plastic cup and meat or candy thermometer and collecting some water once the temperature equilibrates). Of course, depending on where you live and the season, there is a lower limit to how cold you can go, but in general you should be able to get at least as cold as 60F in most places. Also, my cold showers used to be very short, maybe 4 or 5 minutes, but now they last as long as my previous warm showers, perhaps 10 minutes. I still take the occasional warm shower, perhaps once every week or so, but I prefer the cold ones.
I find that cold showers are great for the mood. Not only are they physically invigorating, they make you feel alive, vital and ready to take on the day. They stimulate thinking early in the morning. I also believe that they have the effect of slightly raising blood glucose very quickly — by perhaps 10 mg/dl, and thereby have an appetite suppressing effect. Generally, this rise in blood glucose is relatively short in duration, but that’s good enough to prime the pump and get the day started. This effect of cold showers works well with my practice of skipping breakfast most days and often fasting until dinner.
These effects are apparent with the first cold shower. If you continue the practice for several weeks, you’ll find the psychological benefits are even greater. First and foremost, cold showers appear to have improved my stress tolerance, by buffering emotional reactions. What I mean by this is that bad news, surprises, arguments, or events that would have previously caused a brief surge in adrenaline or an emotional flush, no longer have that effect, or at most have a very attenuated effect. I think this is a consequence of becoming acclimated to the the adrenaline-producing effect of the cold shock. A deeper explanation of why cold showers are effective in boosting mood, and why the psychological benefits of cold showers increase the longer and more frequently you take them is addressed in my recent post on the opponent-process theory of emotions.
As with any application of Hormetism, you can experiment with the intensity of cold, the duration, and the frequency of cold showers to improve your tolerance at a tolerable rate. If you find that your heart is beating uncomfortably fast or you are going numb, that’s a good reason to ease into the routine more slowly. But don’t sell yourself short and rush through a cold shower, because you may find that extending a few more minutes provides the greatest benefits in adapting your body to tolerate stress. Not just cold stress — but physical and emotional stress in general
mandi air sejuk-elok
Friday, 19 November 2010
apa makna pada label makanan
Fikirkan bila kita pergi shopping makanan di supermarket, makanan yang telah diproses, ada yang tidak kisah, lalu memilih makanan yang biasa. Yang setengah setengah cua menjadi health conscious lalu mengambil yang rendah lemak atau lite etc.
Tapi bagi kita di luar sana kita benar benar berserah bila membeli benda benda yang dilabel sebagai lite tadi. Kerana kita menjangkakan bahwa apa yang ditulis di label makanan tadi adalah benar semata mata. Tapi kadangkala menganggap ianya benar dan reliable. Tapi semua adalah trick of the trade. Kita kena mengkaji dan memahami supaya kita tidak membuta tuli mempercayainya tanpa mempersoalkan label tadi..
Seperti didalam artikel yang ditulis dibawah oleh R Hill lifestyle Yahoo, kebenaran makanan yang ditulis lite/kurang lemak atau diet jika kita faham maksud istilah tadi dan kebenaran mengenai kesihatan dan kebaikan untuk diri kita, ianya akan memeranjatkan.
Istilah yang digunakan tidak bermakna ianya berbeza dari segi lemak, dsb. Tapi ianya mungkin bermaksud yang sungguh kurang tepat tapi dengan penjenamaan yang berlainan akan memberi pengeluar kesempatan mengenakan harga yang berbeza malah lebih tinggi kepada pengguna, tetapi berat dan bahan dikurangkan semata mata kerana istilah lite, reduced fat, slimming dan sebagainya.
Bacalah sebelum anda terpengaruh dengan trend trend ini. Kalau nak jaga kesihatan belilah makanan yang belum di proses dan masak dari asas. Ingat dan beringat ingatlah makan untuk hidup bukan hidup untuk makan. Jagalah kesihatan dan pemakanan semasa sihat bukan semasa dah sakit.Jika mula nak jaga masa dah sakit susahlah jadinya..
:written by Rachael Anne Hill, Thursday, 18 November 2010::
dari yahoo lifestyle:: with thanks
It’s easy to toss a product into your trolley because it says ‘light’, ‘reduced fat’ or ‘diet’, but do you actually understand what those terms mean? The truth about their healthiness, and their lasting effect on your diet, might surprise you.
‘Only 5% fat’
According to healthy eating guidelines no more than 30% of the calories we eat should come from fat, so food products that proudly display packaging declaring themselves to be 5%, 10% or even 15% are well below that right? Wrong. This is because these percentages refer to the ‘weight’ of the food not the percentage of calories within the food that come from fat. Therefore, although you can rest assured that a product claiming to be 5% fat will only have five grams of fat per 100 grams of weight in calorific terms the product could still be at least 30% fat or above.
For example:
A certain brand of oven chips is advertised as 5% fat because it contains just under five grams of fat per 100g of chips – all perfectly legal and above board as far as labelling laws are concerned. However, in terms of calories these chips contain five times that amount. How can that be? Because according to the nutritional label 100g of chips contains 172 calories, we know that five of those 100 grams are fat so to find out what that equates to in calories simply multiply five by nine (because fat contains nine calories per gram). Result? 45 calories and 45 as a percentage of 172 equals 26% - more than five times the percentage advertised on the packet!
‘Lite’ or ‘light’ foods
Watch out for the way that foods are described too. The words 'lite' or 'light' might lead you to assume that they are either low in calories or low in fat. However, neither is necessarily true as current labelling law allows manufacturers to use the term on products that may simply be lighter in colour or texture than another similar product. Many leading brands of ‘light’ mayonnaise still contain over 90% fat.
‘Reduced fat’ foods
Similarly, be careful of terms such as 'reduced fat'. This does not necessarily mean 'low fat', just that the product has a reduced fat content to other similar versions. Consequently, crisps advertised as ‘reduced fat’ may still be more than 50% fat.
‘Slimming foods’
The same is also true of many ‘slimming’, ‘healthy living’ or ‘calorie controlled’ products. It may be reasonable to expect foods that are advertised as being beneficial to slimmers to have fewer calories, less fat and maybe even less sugar but don't bet on it. It’s not unusual for some ‘diet’ versions of foods such as ready meals, crisps and snacks to have, weight for weight, more calories, fat or sugar than other ‘non slimming’ varieties. Sometimes the only factor that makes a product more suitable for the slimming market is that it is sold in smaller quantities. For example, chocolate bars marketed to slimmers may have more calories, weight for weight, than normal chocolate, only the size of the bar is smaller - and then some manufacturers can charge consumers up to 100% more for the privilege!::
Tapi bagi kita di luar sana kita benar benar berserah bila membeli benda benda yang dilabel sebagai lite tadi. Kerana kita menjangkakan bahwa apa yang ditulis di label makanan tadi adalah benar semata mata. Tapi kadangkala menganggap ianya benar dan reliable. Tapi semua adalah trick of the trade. Kita kena mengkaji dan memahami supaya kita tidak membuta tuli mempercayainya tanpa mempersoalkan label tadi..
Seperti didalam artikel yang ditulis dibawah oleh R Hill lifestyle Yahoo, kebenaran makanan yang ditulis lite/kurang lemak atau diet jika kita faham maksud istilah tadi dan kebenaran mengenai kesihatan dan kebaikan untuk diri kita, ianya akan memeranjatkan.
Istilah yang digunakan tidak bermakna ianya berbeza dari segi lemak, dsb. Tapi ianya mungkin bermaksud yang sungguh kurang tepat tapi dengan penjenamaan yang berlainan akan memberi pengeluar kesempatan mengenakan harga yang berbeza malah lebih tinggi kepada pengguna, tetapi berat dan bahan dikurangkan semata mata kerana istilah lite, reduced fat, slimming dan sebagainya.
Bacalah sebelum anda terpengaruh dengan trend trend ini. Kalau nak jaga kesihatan belilah makanan yang belum di proses dan masak dari asas. Ingat dan beringat ingatlah makan untuk hidup bukan hidup untuk makan. Jagalah kesihatan dan pemakanan semasa sihat bukan semasa dah sakit.Jika mula nak jaga masa dah sakit susahlah jadinya..
:written by Rachael Anne Hill, Thursday, 18 November 2010::
dari yahoo lifestyle:: with thanks
It’s easy to toss a product into your trolley because it says ‘light’, ‘reduced fat’ or ‘diet’, but do you actually understand what those terms mean? The truth about their healthiness, and their lasting effect on your diet, might surprise you.
‘Only 5% fat’
According to healthy eating guidelines no more than 30% of the calories we eat should come from fat, so food products that proudly display packaging declaring themselves to be 5%, 10% or even 15% are well below that right? Wrong. This is because these percentages refer to the ‘weight’ of the food not the percentage of calories within the food that come from fat. Therefore, although you can rest assured that a product claiming to be 5% fat will only have five grams of fat per 100 grams of weight in calorific terms the product could still be at least 30% fat or above.
For example:
A certain brand of oven chips is advertised as 5% fat because it contains just under five grams of fat per 100g of chips – all perfectly legal and above board as far as labelling laws are concerned. However, in terms of calories these chips contain five times that amount. How can that be? Because according to the nutritional label 100g of chips contains 172 calories, we know that five of those 100 grams are fat so to find out what that equates to in calories simply multiply five by nine (because fat contains nine calories per gram). Result? 45 calories and 45 as a percentage of 172 equals 26% - more than five times the percentage advertised on the packet!
‘Lite’ or ‘light’ foods
Watch out for the way that foods are described too. The words 'lite' or 'light' might lead you to assume that they are either low in calories or low in fat. However, neither is necessarily true as current labelling law allows manufacturers to use the term on products that may simply be lighter in colour or texture than another similar product. Many leading brands of ‘light’ mayonnaise still contain over 90% fat.
‘Reduced fat’ foods
Similarly, be careful of terms such as 'reduced fat'. This does not necessarily mean 'low fat', just that the product has a reduced fat content to other similar versions. Consequently, crisps advertised as ‘reduced fat’ may still be more than 50% fat.
‘Slimming foods’
The same is also true of many ‘slimming’, ‘healthy living’ or ‘calorie controlled’ products. It may be reasonable to expect foods that are advertised as being beneficial to slimmers to have fewer calories, less fat and maybe even less sugar but don't bet on it. It’s not unusual for some ‘diet’ versions of foods such as ready meals, crisps and snacks to have, weight for weight, more calories, fat or sugar than other ‘non slimming’ varieties. Sometimes the only factor that makes a product more suitable for the slimming market is that it is sold in smaller quantities. For example, chocolate bars marketed to slimmers may have more calories, weight for weight, than normal chocolate, only the size of the bar is smaller - and then some manufacturers can charge consumers up to 100% more for the privilege!::
trick of trade
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Selamat hari raya haji semua semalam
Selamat hari raya aidil ad-ha kepada muslimin dan muslimat semua. Diharapkan tidak terlambat dengan ucapan ini.
Semoga hari kurban ini membawa seribu erti dan makna pada semua yang telah menerima title haji dan hajjah, yang mendapatnya kelmarin dan yang masih menunggu seru. Selain dari itu amalan kurban yang dilaksanakan pada yang berkemampuan, semoga diberkati amalan ini insyaAllah.
Kepada yang sudah lama bertitle hajjah dan haji ini semoga hari ini menjadi hari yang besar dan penting untuk merenewkan perjalanan sebagai hamba Allah yang sudah ada kontrak dengan Allah swt. Merenungkan kembali dari perjalanan menunaikan ibadah haji ini sehinggalah sekarang. Menilaikan dan menggunakan hari raya haji ini untuk meneruskan cara yang lebih baik dan murni adab dan peradaban serta amalan harian kita sendiri pada Allah swt, pada orang lain dan makhluk Allah swt.
Pada waktu yang sama kita menilai tutur kata dan kelemahan kita setakat ini, diwaktu yang sama berniat meneruskan apa yang kita janjikan dalam perjanjian kita semasa menunaikan fardu haji tempohari. Bukanlah untuk tempoh singkat perjanjian ini, tapi perlu berterusan.
Kawal lah diri dari melakukan sesuatu yang boleh merosakkan ibadat haji kita sepertimana kita menjaga ibadat dan amalan tutur kata kita walaupun kita telahpun mendapat haji yang lengkap. Kerana kita perlu menjaga supaya amalan kita yang telah lepas diredhai dan di terima Allah swt dan Allah meluruskan kita meneruskan amalan tersebut hingga akhir hayat. Supaya kita tidak lupa perjanjian dan amalan serta hanyut bila meneruskan hidup harian kita selepas ini..
Fikirlah dan renungilah..
Semoga hari kurban ini membawa seribu erti dan makna pada semua yang telah menerima title haji dan hajjah, yang mendapatnya kelmarin dan yang masih menunggu seru. Selain dari itu amalan kurban yang dilaksanakan pada yang berkemampuan, semoga diberkati amalan ini insyaAllah.
Kepada yang sudah lama bertitle hajjah dan haji ini semoga hari ini menjadi hari yang besar dan penting untuk merenewkan perjalanan sebagai hamba Allah yang sudah ada kontrak dengan Allah swt. Merenungkan kembali dari perjalanan menunaikan ibadah haji ini sehinggalah sekarang. Menilaikan dan menggunakan hari raya haji ini untuk meneruskan cara yang lebih baik dan murni adab dan peradaban serta amalan harian kita sendiri pada Allah swt, pada orang lain dan makhluk Allah swt.
Pada waktu yang sama kita menilai tutur kata dan kelemahan kita setakat ini, diwaktu yang sama berniat meneruskan apa yang kita janjikan dalam perjanjian kita semasa menunaikan fardu haji tempohari. Bukanlah untuk tempoh singkat perjanjian ini, tapi perlu berterusan.
Kawal lah diri dari melakukan sesuatu yang boleh merosakkan ibadat haji kita sepertimana kita menjaga ibadat dan amalan tutur kata kita walaupun kita telahpun mendapat haji yang lengkap. Kerana kita perlu menjaga supaya amalan kita yang telah lepas diredhai dan di terima Allah swt dan Allah meluruskan kita meneruskan amalan tersebut hingga akhir hayat. Supaya kita tidak lupa perjanjian dan amalan serta hanyut bila meneruskan hidup harian kita selepas ini..
Fikirlah dan renungilah..
haji nilai hidup yang berterusan
Gula memang terdapat didalam makanan dan minuman harian kita. Nasi yang dimakan akan diproses menjadi gula, buah buahan dimakan mengandungi gula juga..
Segala yang dimakan setiap hari diproses didalam badan...walaupun makanan yang elok untuk kesihatan. Pakar pemakanan yang ditemui dulu ada berkata, jika mahu makan yoghurt beli lah yang plain tak ada perisa. Kerana tiada perisa yang mengandungi gula dicampur didalam yoghurt tadi. Jika mahu tambahlah potongan buah buahan segar atau buah buahan segar yang dibekukan. Itu adalah lebih baik.
Diawah adalah article diambil dari dma1l : ditulis oleh Victoria Lambert: with thanks
::The sugar timebomb lurking in your drink (even those so-called 'healthy' yogurt ones)::
-Could that supposedly ‘healthy’ yogurt drink increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Worrying new research suggests it might.
One finding was that people who had just one or two sugary drinks a day were 26 per cent more likely to develop diabetes or metabolic syndrome (a precursor to diabetes), and were also at greater risk of obesity, said researchers from the prestigious International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk.
There is no doubt that sugary drinks are a real factor in childhood obesity, explains endocrinologist Professor Nick Finer, of University College London Hospitals. ‘One of the problems is that 20 per cent of a child’s energy now comes from sugar in or added to drinks and foods — and this is linked to weight gain and obesity.’
And it’s not just fizzy soft drinks to blame — some yogurt drinks can contain as much as 15 teaspoons of sugar in just one serving.
Unfortunately these liquid calories are ‘invisible’, explains nutritionist Susan Jebb, of the Medical Research Council (MRC). ‘They don’t satisfy us in the same way calories from food would, so we can consume more without feeling full.’
‘Meanwhile, they are so sugary our bodies react by releasing large surges of insulin. Repeated occurrences of these insulin spikes can make the body less sensitive to the hormone, increasing the risk of insulin resistance (when our bodies don’t react to insulin properly) which may lead to diabetes.’
So what is the sugar content of your favourite drink? We asked Glenys Jones of the MRC’s Department of Human Nutrition Research to calculate the number of teaspoons in 40 popular beverages; the results may well shock you.
Note the calculations are based on the amount contained in the bottle — as Glenys Jones explains, people buying a 500ml bottle of drink don’t stop at a neat 250ml glass a day, but tend to finish it off. The sugar content of squash is based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
Many drinks bottles have been ‘super-sized’, so while they may contain two servings, people will often drink the whole bottle or carton. ‘Many don’t realise that by drinking a 500ml bottle, they could be doubling their sugar intake,’ says Glenys Jones.
A spokesperson for the British Soft Drinks Association says: ‘People should enjoy soft drinks as part of a balanced diet; there are also plenty of low-sugar choices if they are concerned about sugar intake.’-
Segala yang dimakan setiap hari diproses didalam badan...walaupun makanan yang elok untuk kesihatan. Pakar pemakanan yang ditemui dulu ada berkata, jika mahu makan yoghurt beli lah yang plain tak ada perisa. Kerana tiada perisa yang mengandungi gula dicampur didalam yoghurt tadi. Jika mahu tambahlah potongan buah buahan segar atau buah buahan segar yang dibekukan. Itu adalah lebih baik.
Diawah adalah article diambil dari dma1l : ditulis oleh Victoria Lambert: with thanks
::The sugar timebomb lurking in your drink (even those so-called 'healthy' yogurt ones)::
-Could that supposedly ‘healthy’ yogurt drink increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Worrying new research suggests it might.
One finding was that people who had just one or two sugary drinks a day were 26 per cent more likely to develop diabetes or metabolic syndrome (a precursor to diabetes), and were also at greater risk of obesity, said researchers from the prestigious International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk.
There is no doubt that sugary drinks are a real factor in childhood obesity, explains endocrinologist Professor Nick Finer, of University College London Hospitals. ‘One of the problems is that 20 per cent of a child’s energy now comes from sugar in or added to drinks and foods — and this is linked to weight gain and obesity.’
And it’s not just fizzy soft drinks to blame — some yogurt drinks can contain as much as 15 teaspoons of sugar in just one serving.
Unfortunately these liquid calories are ‘invisible’, explains nutritionist Susan Jebb, of the Medical Research Council (MRC). ‘They don’t satisfy us in the same way calories from food would, so we can consume more without feeling full.’
‘Meanwhile, they are so sugary our bodies react by releasing large surges of insulin. Repeated occurrences of these insulin spikes can make the body less sensitive to the hormone, increasing the risk of insulin resistance (when our bodies don’t react to insulin properly) which may lead to diabetes.’
So what is the sugar content of your favourite drink? We asked Glenys Jones of the MRC’s Department of Human Nutrition Research to calculate the number of teaspoons in 40 popular beverages; the results may well shock you.
Note the calculations are based on the amount contained in the bottle — as Glenys Jones explains, people buying a 500ml bottle of drink don’t stop at a neat 250ml glass a day, but tend to finish it off. The sugar content of squash is based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
Many drinks bottles have been ‘super-sized’, so while they may contain two servings, people will often drink the whole bottle or carton. ‘Many don’t realise that by drinking a 500ml bottle, they could be doubling their sugar intake,’ says Glenys Jones.
A spokesperson for the British Soft Drinks Association says: ‘People should enjoy soft drinks as part of a balanced diet; there are also plenty of low-sugar choices if they are concerned about sugar intake.’-
gula dan gula tambahan- diabetik
Sunday, 14 November 2010
How to Sprout Mung Beans cara membuat togeh dan khasiat toget..
Ada setengah setengah clan tak makan togeh katanya takde kelas dan tak sedap.. tapi kalau pergi ke England dalam pek 180gm dah 60pence dalam rm 3.
Tengoklah video ini dan fikirkanlah apa dikatakan mengenai khasiat nya... buatlah hobi baru bersama anak tanam togeh dalam botol...
Tengoklah video ini dan fikirkanlah apa dikatakan mengenai khasiat nya... buatlah hobi baru bersama anak tanam togeh dalam botol...
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Siapa sangka
Maaf tulisan ini mungkin a bit too much or too dull pada setengah pembaca. So get ready to look away if this aren't your cup of tea.
Jika kita dengar berita di satelite tv semalam, pasal pasu dari dinasti Qianlong 1720s era di lelong oleh ahli keluarga si pemilik apabila si pemilik meninggal dunia. Mereka tidak menyangkakan pasu itu adalah benda yang tulen, kerana pemilik yang baru kematian ini, telah membawa pasu ini untuk di lihat oleh pakar antik. Pakar antik memaklumkan kepada sipemilik ianya adalah bukan pasu yang tulen.
Bila si pemilik meninggal, hartanya di atas wasiatnya, di jual untuk dibahagikan kepada adik perempuan dan anak saudaranya.
Si mati adalah seorang explorer diawal 1920 an. Di waktu itu negara China didalam keadaan kekecohan dari segi pentadbiran dan pembaharuan dari segi pemodenan.
Di awal 1900 dan China telah menghadapi masalah pemodenan dan penaklukan dari kuasa kuasa asing seprti negara barat dan jirannya Jepun di ketika itu.
Empayar dan zaman kegemilangan negara China berakhir bila Sun Yat Sen mengistiharkan negara ini sebagai sebagai negara republik. Ini berakhirnya era pemerintah berbentuk dinasti atau keturunan keluarga diraja.
Dinasti yang lemah di jatuhkan oleh dinasti yang ganas dan kuat, di campur lagi keluarga diraja ini kurang memahami keadaan semasa dan perkembangan dunia dan revolusi yang mengambil tempat diserata dunia.
Ditambahi pula budaya menikam dari belakang atau pengkhianat disebabkan ketamakan diri dan kuasa dari tahap teratas hinggalah ke bawah, ini tidak dapat mengukuhkan empayar tersebut apatah lagi kekukuhan negara tersebut secara amnya.Rakyat hidup susah kerana perang saudara dan faktor alam sekitar seperti bencana alam yang melanda. Pentadbiran yang leka dan tidak peka menyebabkan pelbagai faktor yang menyebabkan pemerintahan keluarga diraja ini makin kurang sokongan.
Kematian yang perlahan dinasti pemerintahan totalitarian diraja China diantara 1898 and 1901telah melemahkan kerajaan mereka untuk terus mempertahankan kekuatan pentadbiran negara menghadapi tekanan dunia dan pemodenan.Ini di saksikan dengan Boxer rebellion atau pemberontakan yang bermula dengan kezaliman pemeintahan dinasti Qing. Kemudian Dinasti Qing berdamai dengan pemberontakan Boxer ini untuk menghalau keluar pengaruh dan kuaa barat(semuanya berkaitan dengan perdagangan dan ambil tanah). Mereka dikalahkan apabila tentera dari 8 negara menyerang dan memaksa pemerintah tersebut menyerah kepada perjanjian "Boxer protocol " pada 7 September 1901. Tarikh ini bagaikan tarikh mati pada pentadbiran diraja dan kewujudan keluarga diraja serta sistem diraja dan pembesar pembesar dan bermulalah agenda revolusi.(lesson never learnt to this day).
Pembaharuan berupa kerajaan berasaskan ideology tidak juga memperbaiki keadaan negara yang kucar kacir serta rakyat yang kelaparan dan kebuluran, kerana tidak semua menyokong ke arah pemerintahan yang baru juga. Negara ini menjadi padang pertaruhan kepada siapa yang kuat dia boleh berkuasa, maka Sun Yat sen 1912 dengan bantuan negara barat memberi bantuan kewangan, senjata dan tentera, berjaya mengistiharkan negara China sebagai republik.
Maka dengan ini berakhirlah kerajaan beraja China.
DiWaktu yang sama selain dari Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan diambil lalu dijadikan koloni seperti Macau abad ke 19 dengan pengambilan Hong Kong oleh British, Macau oleh Portugis dan Taiwan oleh Belanda dan Sepanyol. Empayar Jepun juga meceroboh China di zaman perang ke 2, malah melantik putera raja terakhir sebagai raja puppet Pu Yi.
Diwaktu itu perang China dan Jepun ke 2 menambahkan lagi keperitan dan kepayahan rakyat negara tersebut.(pengajaran berbaik baiklah dengan negara jiran).
Bayangkan betapa huru hara nya negara ini. Yang kaya, hartawan, pembesar yang dah exposed pada negara luar dan ada pengetahuan dan ada kemampuan bungkus harta naik kapal, lari keluar negara. Tidak pun menyorok dan menyembunyikan harta dan ada penjaga mengawal mereka. Sebuah negara di satu ketika mempunyai empayar merata pelosok dan di geruni apatah lagi disegani, tiba tiba, menjadi kacau bilau disebabkan faktor dalaman yang melemahkan pentadbiran dan pertahanan dan kekuatan pentadbiran negara; rasuah, kezaliman, tamakdan gila kuasa, dsbnya akhirnya membawa kepada perang saudara.
[Dizaman moden ini di sesetengah bahagian dunia, amalan ini masih di praktikkan lagi dan malah mereka menghabiskan duit negara untuk keluarga...Mereka yang melantik diri sendiri masih masih tergolong didalam golongan bangsa awan hidup makan hasil negara dan membelanjakan nya tanpa segan silu. Masalahnya ada yang kurang 1q mungkin berterusan berkelakuan sedemikian kerana mereka hidup diselimuti dengan satu kumpulan dimana, mereka tidak peka, atau totally lost touch dari realiti... Di tambah lagi dengan yang memerintah dipilih secara am oleh rakyat pun sama saja lebih kurang].ini satu lagi pengajaran untuk kita semua...yang dilantik lupa kenapa mereka disitu, malah ada yang kerjaya sebagai apa tah langsung lost touch reality kehidupan seharian orang biasa. Ini kerana dah sedap.. so lost touch.a seasoned polician tak pernah menggunakan tulang empat kerat seumur hidup is equally dangerous as the enemy kerana mereka akan melakukan apa saja untuk kekal berkuasa dah sedapkan..hidup senang jadi pemerintah walau masih ada rakyat hidup melarat tanpa makanan, perubatan dan sebgainya.....
Pemerintahan Sun Yat sen tidak lah lama, kerana pemerintahannya rakyat masih hidup makin terlampau susah. Diwaktu itu, rakyat hidup menderita, terlampau susah makan pakai, inflasi yang melampau dan kerajaan Sun Yat sen sentiasa mencetak wang tetapi tiada nilai.Perbezaannya pemerintahan dinasti keluarga diraja mendapat hasil dari rakyat negara membayar cukai dan bekerja untuk keluarga mereka.Sun Yat sen adalah di tanggung dan ditaja oleh kerajaan kuasa besar barat, tapi keadaan sekeliling masih serupa, rakyat hidup melarat, kebajikan tiada, rasuah sama saja. Mereka diibaratkan seperti kaduk dapat cincin pulak.. Tiba tiba mereka menjadi seperti keluarga bangsa awan yang baru pula, negara yang memberi bantuan dibenarkan menguasai ekonomi dan tanah dsbnya..(pengajaran orang kalau sudah terlalu terdesak nak berkuasa dan menggunakan apa saja untuk mendapat kuasa walaupun tidak mendapat sokongan penuh, maka sanggup menjual bangsa dan negara untuk mendapatkan kewangan, senjata dan tentera dari luar untuk menjadi kuat dan berkuasa. Dengan penerimaan bantuan ini, yang menghulur bantuan ini dijanjikan dan diberi kebenaran masuk mengambil tanah, menguasai perdagangan dan ekonomi di negara China).
Diwaktu kebajikan, makanan dan kehidupan rakyat adalah semakin melarat. Rasuah seperti di amalan dinasti, masih berterusan di zaman kerajaan Kuomintang Sun Yat Sen. Negara ini terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian dan kebangkitan komunis mendapat sokongan rakyat kelas bawahan dan biasa yang menderita dan terdesak kerana mereka tidak diendahkan oleh kerajaan pembesar dan kerajaan bangsawan /diraja dituruti kemudian kerajaaan Kuomintang yang serupa saja amalan dan pentadbirannya.
Diwaktu itu Pu Yi menjadi raja puppet di Manchuria oleh kerajaan Jepun.
Kebangkitan komunis menular dan menerima sambutan yang kuat dari rakyat negara ini di ketika itu masih hidup melarat. Mereka dijanjikan hak yang sama rata dsbnya.
Pergerakan ini mendapat sambutan dan meletusnya perang saudara diantara penyokong kerajaan kuomintang dan pergerakan parti komunis tadi.
Maka kalah lah kerajaan republik China Kuomintang dan mereka berundur ke Taiwan dan menjadikan Taiwan sebagai pusat mereka sehinggalah berakhir perang dunia ke2. Kerajaan Komunis mengistiharkan republik rakyat China di tahun 1949( Di waktu ini Malaya telah dipenuhi dengan Kader kader Komunis yang tujuannya di sini untuk berarahkan ideologi dan kesetiaan ke Negara RRC).
Maka diwaktu sepanjang mereka ber perang sesama sendiri, banyak lah harta negara hilang, di curi, di jual atau di barter tradekan ke pelbagai tangan. Diwaktu itu treasury(ministry of finance equal ) pun tidak ada accountability, samada harta negara, rakyat dsbnya. Samada greed atau hilang sifat yang setia, maka banyaklah di curi...
Bayangkan berapa banyak harta istana kesultanan melayu jatuh ke tangan Portugis dan tersimpan di muzium Lisbon dsbnya? Portugis sudah menjadi ahli negara kesatuan eropah, soalannya bolehkan krajaan Msia terutama kerajaan negeri Melaka pergi ke mahkamah di European Union untuk menuntut kembali artifact artifact sejarah yang di curi dan dirampas di tahun 15 11 semasa mereka menyerang Melaka?
Kembali kepada mengenai harta curian atau artifact negara, semalam keluar di satelite berita penemuan pasu berusia dari tahun 1720s di lelong dan dibeli oleh pengumpul barang barang antik dari negara Cina.
Siapa sangka si pemilik yang pernah explore ke negara Cina diwktu tengah kacau bilau dan mendapat pasu tersebut untuk dibawa balik kenegara nya diberitahu oleh pakar antik ianya adalah salinan bukan asli.(Dengan kuasa Allah swt).
Selepas kematian si pemilik, untuk menutupkan pengurusan wasiatnya, harta milik peninggalannya termasuk pasu tadi di jual. Siapa sangka, pasu yang dikatakan tidak tulen tadi adalah tulen. Nilainya yang dianggarkan beberapa juta terus meningkat kepada £53million. Pembelinya adalah pengumpul kaya dari Cina. Maka kembalilah harta milik negara ke negara asal, tapi menjadi milik hak persendirian.
Satu persoalan, tadi diatas RRC adalah negara yang mengamalkan ideologi yang semua adil dan saksama. Bagaimanakah negara ideologi yang anti kapitalis boleh menutup mata mengamalkan amalan rasuah dan individu individu menjadi kaya, terlampau kaya sehinggakan ada jurang golongan kaya semakin kaya dan golongan miskin seperti petani hidup masih susah? Sehinggakan mampu membeli satu pasu bernilai £53million untuk koleksi persendirian.
Kawan pergi melawat di kawasan luar dari kawasan pelancongan, memberitahu hostel mereka tinggal sistem perparitan dan bahan buangan langsung tidak wujud. Petani petani masih lagi struggles kerana hasil kurang menjadi dsbnya. Pentadbir disitu sperti di negara jiran, salah guna atau merasu9ah...Malah dari zaman Ma0 lagi yang disebut diatas menjadi praktis. Malah diwaktu si Ma0 tu melaksanakan segala amalannya, dia hidup didalam keadaan yang berbeza dari apa yang di kerah pada rakyat mengikut ideologi ini. Ini pun kiranya dia ada double standard...sama saja macam pemerintah yang samada dulu bangsa awan, ku0mintang atau k0mun1s.
Bacalah pemikiran yang tidak berkaitan dengan reality,
Unknown Story
Dibawah berita mengenai pasu yang milik negara dijumpai di Pinner. Dibeli oleh kapitalis kaya rakyat Repub1ic Rakyat Cina..
Disini fakta ditulis melalui rujukan bacaan sahaja, maka jika fakta kurang tepat penulis tidak akan bertanggungjawab, kerana ianya hanyalah pendapat peribadi saja untuk membuatkan kita semua berfikir lojik dan betul atau tidak. serta fakta sejarah yang berlaku untuk kita semua renungi.. .
Jangan kita rakyat Msia berpecah belah kerana kemana kita nak lari jika ini semua berlaku? Fikirkan anak cucu ccicit kita supaya mereka tidak hidup merempat dan lupa bangsa sendiri. Juga agar kita tidak lupa sejarah telah berlaku, jika ada dajal berbentuk manusia mengaku mereka adalah dihantar untuk memecah belahkan negara, bangsa dan perpaduan agama kita, dan terang terangan sanggup menjual apa ada didalam negara dan bangsa, bila gagal berkuasa, sanggup pijak semua ini dan prinsip dan membuat perjanjian dari luar, tanpa perlu bekerja dan mencari duit, untuk membiayai cita cita sendiri..."Money has been funnelled to certain individuals and parties to ensure that a well-known candidate with extensive connection to the US Jaw1sh lobby would somehow become the Prime Minister of Malaysia TM".
Ingat tak kisah si Kitul benda ini walaupun berlaku beberapa ratus tahun dulu, masih di ulangi lagi akibat tamak dan sifat suka mencucuk cucukmenikam belakang..
Diharapkan kita semua menjadikan renungan bersama supaya kita dan buat mereka yang ditampuk kuasa, yang suka menghurungi bau kuasa seperti langau tidak terlajak melakukan seperti ini. Supaya kita semua hidup aman makmur .. jangan terjadi seperti di negeri China, habis peninggalan negara yang berunsur sejarah hilang entah di mana..rakyat ke mana...rakyat hanyalah statistik buat mereka..
Please Note:
Pictures and article below from Dma1l written by:Paul Harris:on 14 Nov 2010 with thanks.
He kept it rather precariously on top of a bookcase in the living room – an elegant Chinese vase with a fish motif on the front and gold banding that glistened occasionally in the sunlight.
One nudge could have sent it crashing to the ground at any time over the last several decades. But it wouldn’t have been a disaster. The ornate porcelain ornament would have been worth an impressive £800 on the insurance.
That, at least, was the theory – and it might have stayed that way had the vase not caught the eye of an expert after a modest semi in Pinner, north-west London, was cleared in the wake of the owner’s death.
Masterpiece: After casually sitting in a Middlesex home for decades, this 18th century Chinese vase sold for a record £53.1million this week
What the art world now knows is that the 16-inch tall vase is the most expensive piece of Chinese porcelain ever to come on to the market – creating a whirlwind of excitement after it was sold at auction on Thursday for £53.1million.
It was described variously as ‘a masterpiece’, ‘exquisite’ and a world record discovery that became ‘the antiques story of the 21st century’.
So yesterday the riddle of how it journeyed from an 18th century royal palace in Beijing to a lounge in the suburbs became a Chinese puzzle that had historians and art experts across the globe scratching their heads in disbelief.
Today the Daily Mail can reveal that the vase belonged to an elderly man who inherited it from his uncle, an explorer who travelled frequently to the Far East. When the man died this year it was left as part of his estate to his sister, in her seventies, and her married son, in his forties.
At a chaotic, crowded sale on Thursday night, they watched in disbelief as frantic bidding changed their fortunes in a matter of minutes. Bidding suddenly rocketed from £500,000 to tens of millions.
Last night the pair were virtually in hiding after their lottery-style win, pleading with the auction house to honour a promise that their identities would not be revealed.
That left interested parties from around the world scrambling for detail about the provenance of an artwork which, it emerged yesterday, was the most expensive item of Asian art ever sold, as well as the world’s priciest objet d’art, excluding paintings and bronze sculpture.
The moment the winning bidder (circled), acting on behalf of the buyer, sealed the deal. A losing bitter (bottom right) relays the bad news over the phone to his client
Happy men: The winning bidder shakes the auctioneer's hand
Today it forms the centrepiece of a tale that involves an auction house more used to selling £500 mahogany armchairs than something which reaps an £8.6million commission (not including VAT); a breathtakingly inaccurate estimate of what it might fetch; and a gloriously comic Del Boy moment when – just like the auction scene in one Only Fools And Horses Christmas special – the son had to go outside ‘for a breath of fresh air’ when it became clear they had been unwittingly sitting on a fortune.
Yesterday Pinner was swarming with journalists and TV camera teams trying to track down any tiny clue to the provenance of the 1740 Qianlong dynasty piece.
The Mail has discovered that the explorer uncle spent the inter-war years of the 1920s and 1930s travelling the world and left it to the family with a remarkable collection of mementoes, maps, antique travel books and ornaments.
The vase, fired in the Imperial kilns and marked with the Imperial seal, was made for the Emperor by a master craftsman. It is thought to have left its rightful royal home towards the end of the 19th century, in a period of widespread looting and theft. By the 1930s, however, China was going through a depression and great change.
So the question is, did the explorer unwittingly buy it for a pittance from a dodgy dealer in Beijing? Or was it a gift from some colonial type who didn’t know its true value?
That part of the chronology may never now be determined. As the auctioneers themselves put it: ‘If only the vase could speak.’
Hence, the modern-day chapter of this story unfolds not in China, but 5,000 miles away in Pinner. The area does have an association with Ming and Qianlong but they are take-aways, not dynasties.
So it was to Ruislip that the late owner’s family looked when they were arranging to clear the house, believed to have been a semi-detached bungalow.
How fortunate for Bainbridge’s Auctions and house-clearance services that they happened to have put a flyer through the letterbox of the dead chap’s sister, who lives nearby. In September she received a visit from sale room manager David Reay.
At this stage, incidentally, lawyers had valued the vase for probate purposes at just £800. Remarkably, with hindsight, the family wondered if the bookcase on which it stood was more valuable (in fact it sold later for just £200 with other personal effects totalling £7,000).
But one item, sitting on a plastic shelf at Bainbridge’s when their consultant valuer came in, had been removed from the house sale. Luan Grocholski, an expert in ceramics who worked for Sotheby’s, caught only a glimpse of the vase in the stockroom – but it was enough to set his pulse racing.
‘I saw and just thought it couldn’t be true,’ he said. ‘I realised the quality was fantastic, and assumed it was a very high quality copy.’ He began to look in libraries and at other works from the same period, a research quest that eventually took him six weeks.
He and the auction house thus set their estimate of its value at £800,000 to £1.2million, hoping it might rise to a few million with luck. They did not anticipate the astonishing appetite of a cash-rich Chinese market to buy back its stolen or exported relics.
On Thursday evening, potential bidders filed into the two-storey warehouse beside West Ruislip Underground station. The musty room was cluttered with furniture and old paintings and bidders had to squeeze up to get in.
Among them – their identities unknown to anyone except Mr Reay – the mother and son watched in silence, possibly anxious as the vase was placed on what someone described later as a wobbly old table at the front of the room.
After a slow start, with six live bidders and three telephone bidders still in the game, the interested parties narrowed to two as the price soared into tens of millions. It took less than two minutes to rack up the final £20million, climaxing at an astonishing £53million.
Enlarge Rare: The elaborately decorated vase was found during a routine clear-out. The family who lived in the house in Pinner, north-west London, had no idea of its value
Detail: The exceptional finishing on the 1740s vase
Auctioneer and company director Peter Bainbridge shouted ‘Sold’ and slammed his gavel so hard on the rostrum, it shattered into several pieces.
He had just earned the family-run company at least £8.6million in commission, possibly several million more if they didn’t waive the usual extra fees.
The mother and son had just chalked up a fortune beyond their wildest dreams.
They will have to pay Capital Gains Tax of around £12million
but they will be cheered by the fact
that if its true value had been known at the time of probate, they would have received an inheritance tax bill of more than £17million.
Meanwhile in Beijing, an anonymous Chinese collector had just scooped a unique and historic treasure for his homeland.
The bidder who bought the vase was a Chinese man in his thirties, acting as agent for the buyer and
sitting quietly on a sofa at the front of the room.
Yesterday at Bainbridge’s the engagingly eccentric Mr Bainbridge, 63, was happily posing for photographs and willingly re-enacting the drama of the previous night.
In a quieter corner, Mr Reay, who had comforted the sellers as the bidding got higher, said: ‘What’s so wonderful about it is they are very normal people.
‘They don’t have a lot. The mother just couldn’t speak, she was in tears.
‘They stayed at the back of the room, out of sight, and no one knew they were there, not even Peter Bainbridge.
‘This is the biggest shock of their lives. The mum said to me, “If only this had happened to me 30 years ago”.’
Additional reporting – Tamara Cohen and Nick McDermott
COMMENTARY: A piece of perfection, sold at the perfect timeBy John Axford, Antiques Roadshow expert
Experts have known that the market in Chinese antiques is in a dynamic state, but the £53million price tag for this exquisite 18th century vase is far beyond the bounds of all reasonable expectation.
Given the rarity and breathtaking beauty of the find, there was understandably only one question on people’s lips: ‘Do you think it’s real?’
I had the chance to see the vase for myself last week when it was displayed in a small, second floor showroom in Dover Street in Central London. The mundane surroundings hardly matched the captivating grandeur of the piece.
Hammer time: Auctioneer Peter Bainbridge holds up the gavel that broke during Thursday night's sale
At once, I realised the guide price of £800,000 given by the auction house was far, far too low. My own estimate was that it would fetch between £10million and £25million. As it turned out, I was way under.
It is little wonder that the sellers were reported to be in shock – even being helped out of the auction room – as the bidding reached fever pitch before smashing the world record for a porcelain vase.
The sale represents a remarkable triumph for auctioneer Peter Bainbridge. Based in the West London suburb of Ruislip, his firm usually deals in items below the £500 mark and I have to admit that I had not heard of the company until this week. But thanks to his shrewdness, he is now a multi-millionaire.
The story just shows that you do not have to be an international auction house like Sotheby’s or Christie’s to succeed at the very top of the market.
There are a number of reasons for the astonishing price achieved.
One was the perfect timing – the sale took place during the middle of Asian Art week in London, when many of the world’s leading dealers were in the capital.
More importantly, there is an eagerness from wealthy Chinese collectors to buy up part of their heritage from the West.
It is a trend fuelled by the unprecedented growth of the Chinese economy in recent years, which has created a new elite of billionaires. Antiques have become one of the prime targets of this surging affluence.
In 2009, the value of goods bought by Chinese clients at auction house Christie’s increased by 94 per cent. Only last month, another porcelain vase was sold in Hong Kong for £18.2million – at the time a world record. Now that milestone has been dramatically overtaken.
Equally significant is the matchless quality of the vase itself, which is a virtuoso work of the most delicate craftsmanship.
Nothing like this has been up for auction in decades. Sixteen inches high, it is quite heavy because it contains a second, beautifully patterned, cylinder within the outer wall.
The object would probably have been commissioned in the mid-18th century by the Qianlong Emperor for one of his great summer palaces.
The astounding nature of the craftsmanship just shows how advanced the ruling Qianlong dynasty was at this time. It presided over an amazingly sophisticated, well-ordered civilisation based on deep respect for the scholarship, the arts and science. In terms of ceramics, the Qianlong Chinese were light years ahead of the Europeans.
In Britain, porcelain was not even made until the 1740s and at first only the most naive artefacts were produced.
However, the one key area where the Qianlong dynasty lagged behind Europe was in the development of military capability, particularly in guns. This failure left China vulnerable to British and French forces which plundered the country’s treasures during the Opium wars of the mid-19th century.
Even the inner sanctums of the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City were looted. That is how so many of these wonderful antiques ended up in British and European collections.
There are undoubtedly still many other valuable Chinese objects waiting to be discovered in homes across Britain.
Last year, I organised the sale of a green jade buffalo that had been placed in a bank vault in 1940 and forgotten about. At auction, it fetched £4.2million – then a world record for a piece of jade.
Prices now can only continue rocketing.
When I was in Beijing three weeks ago, I was struck by the nationalistic pride that Chinese collectors take in the increasingly high value of these antiques.
They see Impressionist or Picasso paintings being sold for tens of millions and they believe, with some justification, that their own art should be worth just as much.
As the economic boom in China continues, there will be more sales to astonish us.
Jika kita dengar berita di satelite tv semalam, pasal pasu dari dinasti Qianlong 1720s era di lelong oleh ahli keluarga si pemilik apabila si pemilik meninggal dunia. Mereka tidak menyangkakan pasu itu adalah benda yang tulen, kerana pemilik yang baru kematian ini, telah membawa pasu ini untuk di lihat oleh pakar antik. Pakar antik memaklumkan kepada sipemilik ianya adalah bukan pasu yang tulen.
Bila si pemilik meninggal, hartanya di atas wasiatnya, di jual untuk dibahagikan kepada adik perempuan dan anak saudaranya.
Si mati adalah seorang explorer diawal 1920 an. Di waktu itu negara China didalam keadaan kekecohan dari segi pentadbiran dan pembaharuan dari segi pemodenan.
Di awal 1900 dan China telah menghadapi masalah pemodenan dan penaklukan dari kuasa kuasa asing seprti negara barat dan jirannya Jepun di ketika itu.
Empayar dan zaman kegemilangan negara China berakhir bila Sun Yat Sen mengistiharkan negara ini sebagai sebagai negara republik. Ini berakhirnya era pemerintah berbentuk dinasti atau keturunan keluarga diraja.
Dinasti yang lemah di jatuhkan oleh dinasti yang ganas dan kuat, di campur lagi keluarga diraja ini kurang memahami keadaan semasa dan perkembangan dunia dan revolusi yang mengambil tempat diserata dunia.
Ditambahi pula budaya menikam dari belakang atau pengkhianat disebabkan ketamakan diri dan kuasa dari tahap teratas hinggalah ke bawah, ini tidak dapat mengukuhkan empayar tersebut apatah lagi kekukuhan negara tersebut secara amnya.Rakyat hidup susah kerana perang saudara dan faktor alam sekitar seperti bencana alam yang melanda. Pentadbiran yang leka dan tidak peka menyebabkan pelbagai faktor yang menyebabkan pemerintahan keluarga diraja ini makin kurang sokongan.
Kematian yang perlahan dinasti pemerintahan totalitarian diraja China diantara 1898 and 1901telah melemahkan kerajaan mereka untuk terus mempertahankan kekuatan pentadbiran negara menghadapi tekanan dunia dan pemodenan.Ini di saksikan dengan Boxer rebellion atau pemberontakan yang bermula dengan kezaliman pemeintahan dinasti Qing. Kemudian Dinasti Qing berdamai dengan pemberontakan Boxer ini untuk menghalau keluar pengaruh dan kuaa barat(semuanya berkaitan dengan perdagangan dan ambil tanah). Mereka dikalahkan apabila tentera dari 8 negara menyerang dan memaksa pemerintah tersebut menyerah kepada perjanjian "Boxer protocol " pada 7 September 1901. Tarikh ini bagaikan tarikh mati pada pentadbiran diraja dan kewujudan keluarga diraja serta sistem diraja dan pembesar pembesar dan bermulalah agenda revolusi.(lesson never learnt to this day).
Pembaharuan berupa kerajaan berasaskan ideology tidak juga memperbaiki keadaan negara yang kucar kacir serta rakyat yang kelaparan dan kebuluran, kerana tidak semua menyokong ke arah pemerintahan yang baru juga. Negara ini menjadi padang pertaruhan kepada siapa yang kuat dia boleh berkuasa, maka Sun Yat sen 1912 dengan bantuan negara barat memberi bantuan kewangan, senjata dan tentera, berjaya mengistiharkan negara China sebagai republik.
Maka dengan ini berakhirlah kerajaan beraja China.
DiWaktu yang sama selain dari Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan diambil lalu dijadikan koloni seperti Macau abad ke 19 dengan pengambilan Hong Kong oleh British, Macau oleh Portugis dan Taiwan oleh Belanda dan Sepanyol. Empayar Jepun juga meceroboh China di zaman perang ke 2, malah melantik putera raja terakhir sebagai raja puppet Pu Yi.
Diwaktu itu perang China dan Jepun ke 2 menambahkan lagi keperitan dan kepayahan rakyat negara tersebut.(pengajaran berbaik baiklah dengan negara jiran).
Bayangkan betapa huru hara nya negara ini. Yang kaya, hartawan, pembesar yang dah exposed pada negara luar dan ada pengetahuan dan ada kemampuan bungkus harta naik kapal, lari keluar negara. Tidak pun menyorok dan menyembunyikan harta dan ada penjaga mengawal mereka. Sebuah negara di satu ketika mempunyai empayar merata pelosok dan di geruni apatah lagi disegani, tiba tiba, menjadi kacau bilau disebabkan faktor dalaman yang melemahkan pentadbiran dan pertahanan dan kekuatan pentadbiran negara; rasuah, kezaliman, tamakdan gila kuasa, dsbnya akhirnya membawa kepada perang saudara.
[Dizaman moden ini di sesetengah bahagian dunia, amalan ini masih di praktikkan lagi dan malah mereka menghabiskan duit negara untuk keluarga...Mereka yang melantik diri sendiri masih masih tergolong didalam golongan bangsa awan hidup makan hasil negara dan membelanjakan nya tanpa segan silu. Masalahnya ada yang kurang 1q mungkin berterusan berkelakuan sedemikian kerana mereka hidup diselimuti dengan satu kumpulan dimana, mereka tidak peka, atau totally lost touch dari realiti... Di tambah lagi dengan yang memerintah dipilih secara am oleh rakyat pun sama saja lebih kurang].ini satu lagi pengajaran untuk kita semua...yang dilantik lupa kenapa mereka disitu, malah ada yang kerjaya sebagai apa tah langsung lost touch reality kehidupan seharian orang biasa. Ini kerana dah sedap.. so lost touch.a seasoned polician tak pernah menggunakan tulang empat kerat seumur hidup is equally dangerous as the enemy kerana mereka akan melakukan apa saja untuk kekal berkuasa dah sedapkan..hidup senang jadi pemerintah walau masih ada rakyat hidup melarat tanpa makanan, perubatan dan sebgainya.....
Pemerintahan Sun Yat sen tidak lah lama, kerana pemerintahannya rakyat masih hidup makin terlampau susah. Diwaktu itu, rakyat hidup menderita, terlampau susah makan pakai, inflasi yang melampau dan kerajaan Sun Yat sen sentiasa mencetak wang tetapi tiada nilai.Perbezaannya pemerintahan dinasti keluarga diraja mendapat hasil dari rakyat negara membayar cukai dan bekerja untuk keluarga mereka.Sun Yat sen adalah di tanggung dan ditaja oleh kerajaan kuasa besar barat, tapi keadaan sekeliling masih serupa, rakyat hidup melarat, kebajikan tiada, rasuah sama saja. Mereka diibaratkan seperti kaduk dapat cincin pulak.. Tiba tiba mereka menjadi seperti keluarga bangsa awan yang baru pula, negara yang memberi bantuan dibenarkan menguasai ekonomi dan tanah dsbnya..(pengajaran orang kalau sudah terlalu terdesak nak berkuasa dan menggunakan apa saja untuk mendapat kuasa walaupun tidak mendapat sokongan penuh, maka sanggup menjual bangsa dan negara untuk mendapatkan kewangan, senjata dan tentera dari luar untuk menjadi kuat dan berkuasa. Dengan penerimaan bantuan ini, yang menghulur bantuan ini dijanjikan dan diberi kebenaran masuk mengambil tanah, menguasai perdagangan dan ekonomi di negara China).
Diwaktu kebajikan, makanan dan kehidupan rakyat adalah semakin melarat. Rasuah seperti di amalan dinasti, masih berterusan di zaman kerajaan Kuomintang Sun Yat Sen. Negara ini terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian dan kebangkitan komunis mendapat sokongan rakyat kelas bawahan dan biasa yang menderita dan terdesak kerana mereka tidak diendahkan oleh kerajaan pembesar dan kerajaan bangsawan /diraja dituruti kemudian kerajaaan Kuomintang yang serupa saja amalan dan pentadbirannya.
Diwaktu itu Pu Yi menjadi raja puppet di Manchuria oleh kerajaan Jepun.
Kebangkitan komunis menular dan menerima sambutan yang kuat dari rakyat negara ini di ketika itu masih hidup melarat. Mereka dijanjikan hak yang sama rata dsbnya.
Pergerakan ini mendapat sambutan dan meletusnya perang saudara diantara penyokong kerajaan kuomintang dan pergerakan parti komunis tadi.
Maka kalah lah kerajaan republik China Kuomintang dan mereka berundur ke Taiwan dan menjadikan Taiwan sebagai pusat mereka sehinggalah berakhir perang dunia ke2. Kerajaan Komunis mengistiharkan republik rakyat China di tahun 1949( Di waktu ini Malaya telah dipenuhi dengan Kader kader Komunis yang tujuannya di sini untuk berarahkan ideologi dan kesetiaan ke Negara RRC).
Maka diwaktu sepanjang mereka ber perang sesama sendiri, banyak lah harta negara hilang, di curi, di jual atau di barter tradekan ke pelbagai tangan. Diwaktu itu treasury(ministry of finance equal ) pun tidak ada accountability, samada harta negara, rakyat dsbnya. Samada greed atau hilang sifat yang setia, maka banyaklah di curi...
Bayangkan berapa banyak harta istana kesultanan melayu jatuh ke tangan Portugis dan tersimpan di muzium Lisbon dsbnya? Portugis sudah menjadi ahli negara kesatuan eropah, soalannya bolehkan krajaan Msia terutama kerajaan negeri Melaka pergi ke mahkamah di European Union untuk menuntut kembali artifact artifact sejarah yang di curi dan dirampas di tahun 15 11 semasa mereka menyerang Melaka?
Kembali kepada mengenai harta curian atau artifact negara, semalam keluar di satelite berita penemuan pasu berusia dari tahun 1720s di lelong dan dibeli oleh pengumpul barang barang antik dari negara Cina.
Siapa sangka si pemilik yang pernah explore ke negara Cina diwktu tengah kacau bilau dan mendapat pasu tersebut untuk dibawa balik kenegara nya diberitahu oleh pakar antik ianya adalah salinan bukan asli.(Dengan kuasa Allah swt).
Selepas kematian si pemilik, untuk menutupkan pengurusan wasiatnya, harta milik peninggalannya termasuk pasu tadi di jual. Siapa sangka, pasu yang dikatakan tidak tulen tadi adalah tulen. Nilainya yang dianggarkan beberapa juta terus meningkat kepada £53million. Pembelinya adalah pengumpul kaya dari Cina. Maka kembalilah harta milik negara ke negara asal, tapi menjadi milik hak persendirian.
Satu persoalan, tadi diatas RRC adalah negara yang mengamalkan ideologi yang semua adil dan saksama. Bagaimanakah negara ideologi yang anti kapitalis boleh menutup mata mengamalkan amalan rasuah dan individu individu menjadi kaya, terlampau kaya sehinggakan ada jurang golongan kaya semakin kaya dan golongan miskin seperti petani hidup masih susah? Sehinggakan mampu membeli satu pasu bernilai £53million untuk koleksi persendirian.
Kawan pergi melawat di kawasan luar dari kawasan pelancongan, memberitahu hostel mereka tinggal sistem perparitan dan bahan buangan langsung tidak wujud. Petani petani masih lagi struggles kerana hasil kurang menjadi dsbnya. Pentadbir disitu sperti di negara jiran, salah guna atau merasu9ah...Malah dari zaman Ma0 lagi yang disebut diatas menjadi praktis. Malah diwaktu si Ma0 tu melaksanakan segala amalannya, dia hidup didalam keadaan yang berbeza dari apa yang di kerah pada rakyat mengikut ideologi ini. Ini pun kiranya dia ada double standard...sama saja macam pemerintah yang samada dulu bangsa awan, ku0mintang atau k0mun1s.
Bacalah pemikiran yang tidak berkaitan dengan reality,
Unknown Story
Dibawah berita mengenai pasu yang milik negara dijumpai di Pinner. Dibeli oleh kapitalis kaya rakyat Repub1ic Rakyat Cina..
Disini fakta ditulis melalui rujukan bacaan sahaja, maka jika fakta kurang tepat penulis tidak akan bertanggungjawab, kerana ianya hanyalah pendapat peribadi saja untuk membuatkan kita semua berfikir lojik dan betul atau tidak. serta fakta sejarah yang berlaku untuk kita semua renungi.. .
Jangan kita rakyat Msia berpecah belah kerana kemana kita nak lari jika ini semua berlaku? Fikirkan anak cucu ccicit kita supaya mereka tidak hidup merempat dan lupa bangsa sendiri. Juga agar kita tidak lupa sejarah telah berlaku, jika ada dajal berbentuk manusia mengaku mereka adalah dihantar untuk memecah belahkan negara, bangsa dan perpaduan agama kita, dan terang terangan sanggup menjual apa ada didalam negara dan bangsa, bila gagal berkuasa, sanggup pijak semua ini dan prinsip dan membuat perjanjian dari luar, tanpa perlu bekerja dan mencari duit, untuk membiayai cita cita sendiri..."Money has been funnelled to certain individuals and parties to ensure that a well-known candidate with extensive connection to the US Jaw1sh lobby would somehow become the Prime Minister of Malaysia TM".
Ingat tak kisah si Kitul benda ini walaupun berlaku beberapa ratus tahun dulu, masih di ulangi lagi akibat tamak dan sifat suka mencucuk cucukmenikam belakang..
Diharapkan kita semua menjadikan renungan bersama supaya kita dan buat mereka yang ditampuk kuasa, yang suka menghurungi bau kuasa seperti langau tidak terlajak melakukan seperti ini. Supaya kita semua hidup aman makmur .. jangan terjadi seperti di negeri China, habis peninggalan negara yang berunsur sejarah hilang entah di mana..rakyat ke mana...rakyat hanyalah statistik buat mereka..
Please Note:
Pictures and article below from Dma1l written by:Paul Harris:on 14 Nov 2010 with thanks.
He kept it rather precariously on top of a bookcase in the living room – an elegant Chinese vase with a fish motif on the front and gold banding that glistened occasionally in the sunlight.
One nudge could have sent it crashing to the ground at any time over the last several decades. But it wouldn’t have been a disaster. The ornate porcelain ornament would have been worth an impressive £800 on the insurance.
That, at least, was the theory – and it might have stayed that way had the vase not caught the eye of an expert after a modest semi in Pinner, north-west London, was cleared in the wake of the owner’s death.
Masterpiece: After casually sitting in a Middlesex home for decades, this 18th century Chinese vase sold for a record £53.1million this week
What the art world now knows is that the 16-inch tall vase is the most expensive piece of Chinese porcelain ever to come on to the market – creating a whirlwind of excitement after it was sold at auction on Thursday for £53.1million.
It was described variously as ‘a masterpiece’, ‘exquisite’ and a world record discovery that became ‘the antiques story of the 21st century’.
So yesterday the riddle of how it journeyed from an 18th century royal palace in Beijing to a lounge in the suburbs became a Chinese puzzle that had historians and art experts across the globe scratching their heads in disbelief.
Today the Daily Mail can reveal that the vase belonged to an elderly man who inherited it from his uncle, an explorer who travelled frequently to the Far East. When the man died this year it was left as part of his estate to his sister, in her seventies, and her married son, in his forties.
At a chaotic, crowded sale on Thursday night, they watched in disbelief as frantic bidding changed their fortunes in a matter of minutes. Bidding suddenly rocketed from £500,000 to tens of millions.
Last night the pair were virtually in hiding after their lottery-style win, pleading with the auction house to honour a promise that their identities would not be revealed.
That left interested parties from around the world scrambling for detail about the provenance of an artwork which, it emerged yesterday, was the most expensive item of Asian art ever sold, as well as the world’s priciest objet d’art, excluding paintings and bronze sculpture.
The moment the winning bidder (circled), acting on behalf of the buyer, sealed the deal. A losing bitter (bottom right) relays the bad news over the phone to his client
Happy men: The winning bidder shakes the auctioneer's hand
Today it forms the centrepiece of a tale that involves an auction house more used to selling £500 mahogany armchairs than something which reaps an £8.6million commission (not including VAT); a breathtakingly inaccurate estimate of what it might fetch; and a gloriously comic Del Boy moment when – just like the auction scene in one Only Fools And Horses Christmas special – the son had to go outside ‘for a breath of fresh air’ when it became clear they had been unwittingly sitting on a fortune.
Yesterday Pinner was swarming with journalists and TV camera teams trying to track down any tiny clue to the provenance of the 1740 Qianlong dynasty piece.
The Mail has discovered that the explorer uncle spent the inter-war years of the 1920s and 1930s travelling the world and left it to the family with a remarkable collection of mementoes, maps, antique travel books and ornaments.
The vase, fired in the Imperial kilns and marked with the Imperial seal, was made for the Emperor by a master craftsman. It is thought to have left its rightful royal home towards the end of the 19th century, in a period of widespread looting and theft. By the 1930s, however, China was going through a depression and great change.
So the question is, did the explorer unwittingly buy it for a pittance from a dodgy dealer in Beijing? Or was it a gift from some colonial type who didn’t know its true value?
That part of the chronology may never now be determined. As the auctioneers themselves put it: ‘If only the vase could speak.’
Hence, the modern-day chapter of this story unfolds not in China, but 5,000 miles away in Pinner. The area does have an association with Ming and Qianlong but they are take-aways, not dynasties.
So it was to Ruislip that the late owner’s family looked when they were arranging to clear the house, believed to have been a semi-detached bungalow.
How fortunate for Bainbridge’s Auctions and house-clearance services that they happened to have put a flyer through the letterbox of the dead chap’s sister, who lives nearby. In September she received a visit from sale room manager David Reay.
At this stage, incidentally, lawyers had valued the vase for probate purposes at just £800. Remarkably, with hindsight, the family wondered if the bookcase on which it stood was more valuable (in fact it sold later for just £200 with other personal effects totalling £7,000).
But one item, sitting on a plastic shelf at Bainbridge’s when their consultant valuer came in, had been removed from the house sale. Luan Grocholski, an expert in ceramics who worked for Sotheby’s, caught only a glimpse of the vase in the stockroom – but it was enough to set his pulse racing.
‘I saw and just thought it couldn’t be true,’ he said. ‘I realised the quality was fantastic, and assumed it was a very high quality copy.’ He began to look in libraries and at other works from the same period, a research quest that eventually took him six weeks.
He and the auction house thus set their estimate of its value at £800,000 to £1.2million, hoping it might rise to a few million with luck. They did not anticipate the astonishing appetite of a cash-rich Chinese market to buy back its stolen or exported relics.
On Thursday evening, potential bidders filed into the two-storey warehouse beside West Ruislip Underground station. The musty room was cluttered with furniture and old paintings and bidders had to squeeze up to get in.
Among them – their identities unknown to anyone except Mr Reay – the mother and son watched in silence, possibly anxious as the vase was placed on what someone described later as a wobbly old table at the front of the room.
After a slow start, with six live bidders and three telephone bidders still in the game, the interested parties narrowed to two as the price soared into tens of millions. It took less than two minutes to rack up the final £20million, climaxing at an astonishing £53million.
Enlarge Rare: The elaborately decorated vase was found during a routine clear-out. The family who lived in the house in Pinner, north-west London, had no idea of its value
Detail: The exceptional finishing on the 1740s vase
Auctioneer and company director Peter Bainbridge shouted ‘Sold’ and slammed his gavel so hard on the rostrum, it shattered into several pieces.
He had just earned the family-run company at least £8.6million in commission, possibly several million more if they didn’t waive the usual extra fees.
The mother and son had just chalked up a fortune beyond their wildest dreams.
They will have to pay Capital Gains Tax of around £12million
but they will be cheered by the fact
that if its true value had been known at the time of probate, they would have received an inheritance tax bill of more than £17million.
Meanwhile in Beijing, an anonymous Chinese collector had just scooped a unique and historic treasure for his homeland.
The bidder who bought the vase was a Chinese man in his thirties, acting as agent for the buyer and
sitting quietly on a sofa at the front of the room.
Yesterday at Bainbridge’s the engagingly eccentric Mr Bainbridge, 63, was happily posing for photographs and willingly re-enacting the drama of the previous night.
In a quieter corner, Mr Reay, who had comforted the sellers as the bidding got higher, said: ‘What’s so wonderful about it is they are very normal people.
‘They don’t have a lot. The mother just couldn’t speak, she was in tears.
‘They stayed at the back of the room, out of sight, and no one knew they were there, not even Peter Bainbridge.
‘This is the biggest shock of their lives. The mum said to me, “If only this had happened to me 30 years ago”.’
Additional reporting – Tamara Cohen and Nick McDermott
COMMENTARY: A piece of perfection, sold at the perfect timeBy John Axford, Antiques Roadshow expert
Experts have known that the market in Chinese antiques is in a dynamic state, but the £53million price tag for this exquisite 18th century vase is far beyond the bounds of all reasonable expectation.
Given the rarity and breathtaking beauty of the find, there was understandably only one question on people’s lips: ‘Do you think it’s real?’
I had the chance to see the vase for myself last week when it was displayed in a small, second floor showroom in Dover Street in Central London. The mundane surroundings hardly matched the captivating grandeur of the piece.
Hammer time: Auctioneer Peter Bainbridge holds up the gavel that broke during Thursday night's sale
At once, I realised the guide price of £800,000 given by the auction house was far, far too low. My own estimate was that it would fetch between £10million and £25million. As it turned out, I was way under.
It is little wonder that the sellers were reported to be in shock – even being helped out of the auction room – as the bidding reached fever pitch before smashing the world record for a porcelain vase.
The sale represents a remarkable triumph for auctioneer Peter Bainbridge. Based in the West London suburb of Ruislip, his firm usually deals in items below the £500 mark and I have to admit that I had not heard of the company until this week. But thanks to his shrewdness, he is now a multi-millionaire.
The story just shows that you do not have to be an international auction house like Sotheby’s or Christie’s to succeed at the very top of the market.
There are a number of reasons for the astonishing price achieved.
One was the perfect timing – the sale took place during the middle of Asian Art week in London, when many of the world’s leading dealers were in the capital.
More importantly, there is an eagerness from wealthy Chinese collectors to buy up part of their heritage from the West.
It is a trend fuelled by the unprecedented growth of the Chinese economy in recent years, which has created a new elite of billionaires. Antiques have become one of the prime targets of this surging affluence.
In 2009, the value of goods bought by Chinese clients at auction house Christie’s increased by 94 per cent. Only last month, another porcelain vase was sold in Hong Kong for £18.2million – at the time a world record. Now that milestone has been dramatically overtaken.
Equally significant is the matchless quality of the vase itself, which is a virtuoso work of the most delicate craftsmanship.
Nothing like this has been up for auction in decades. Sixteen inches high, it is quite heavy because it contains a second, beautifully patterned, cylinder within the outer wall.
The object would probably have been commissioned in the mid-18th century by the Qianlong Emperor for one of his great summer palaces.
The astounding nature of the craftsmanship just shows how advanced the ruling Qianlong dynasty was at this time. It presided over an amazingly sophisticated, well-ordered civilisation based on deep respect for the scholarship, the arts and science. In terms of ceramics, the Qianlong Chinese were light years ahead of the Europeans.
In Britain, porcelain was not even made until the 1740s and at first only the most naive artefacts were produced.
However, the one key area where the Qianlong dynasty lagged behind Europe was in the development of military capability, particularly in guns. This failure left China vulnerable to British and French forces which plundered the country’s treasures during the Opium wars of the mid-19th century.
Even the inner sanctums of the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City were looted. That is how so many of these wonderful antiques ended up in British and European collections.
There are undoubtedly still many other valuable Chinese objects waiting to be discovered in homes across Britain.
Last year, I organised the sale of a green jade buffalo that had been placed in a bank vault in 1940 and forgotten about. At auction, it fetched £4.2million – then a world record for a piece of jade.
Prices now can only continue rocketing.
When I was in Beijing three weeks ago, I was struck by the nationalistic pride that Chinese collectors take in the increasingly high value of these antiques.
They see Impressionist or Picasso paintings being sold for tens of millions and they believe, with some justification, that their own art should be worth just as much.
As the economic boom in China continues, there will be more sales to astonish us.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Gambar terbaru...
Penulis mengambil gambar dan artikel dari artikel Dma1l 5 November 2010 ditulis oleh wartawannya - Terima kasih.
Gambar di bawah api lava nampak macam muka atau wajah kalau diperhatikan betul betul..dua biji mata,hidung mulut berwarna kuning (macam the masks pulak).. ngerinya..
Dibawah adalah gambar yang terbaru..serta laporan terbaru...
::::The Mount Merapi volcano has claimed the lives of scores more victims today with the death toll now standing at 102.
In tragic scenes that defied belief, 35 scorched bodies were carried down the slopes of the angry volcano today after two entire villages were engulfed by blistering gas and ash.
The fatalities have shocked Indonesia's Yogyakarta region, with angry questions asked about why villagers weren't evacuated by police and troops who had been ordered to clear everyone off the mountain.
More deaths are expected, for there were cases of critical burns among the 65 other people who were overwhelmed by the clouds that rolled down from the volcano's lip.
The fierce eruption during the night gave people living in the villages of Bronggang and Argomulyo, 10 miles from the crater, no chance of fleeing from the rolling death clouds.
Others living nearby jumped onto motorcycles or clambered into trucks to flee to lower ground.
Crying women and children, covered in ash, arrived at refuges on the plains to tell of their fears for relatives whose fate remained unknown.
Soldiers ordered into the villages found bodies still lying in their beds, skin scorched off as their simple homes burned around them.
'The mountain refuses to give any of these poor people peace,' said hospital spokesman Heru Nugroho as the bodies from the overnight eruption were brought in.
'We have counted 35 so far but it is fair to say that the death toll will not stop there.
'Many people are critical and they are unlikely to survive.'
Mr Nugroho said people were asking why Bronggang and Argomulyo villages had not been evacuated when volcanologists had issued warnings that the volcano was at its most dangerous and more fierce eruptions could be expected.
The hospital staff were hard-pressed to deal with people suffering burns and severe respiratory problems.
As many as 75,000 people, most of them farming families, have been evacuated from the slopes of the mountain, but large numbers have defied orders and returned to check on their homes and livestock at times when they believed the mountain had begun to quieten.
But authorities, who have already widened the danger zone from nine miles to 12 miles, have warned that further violent eruptions could be expected in coming weeks.
Scientists said pressure apparently building inside Merapi's crater may mean the worst is yet to come.
'It's never acted like this before,' Surano, a geologist, said after watching the wide, fast sweeps of a needle on a seismograph machine. 'It looks like we may be entering an even worse stage.'
The volcano, one of the world's most active, has erupted many times in the last century, often with deadly results.
The grim scenes have brought back memories for many of 1994, when 60 people were killed by the volcano, while in 1930, more than a dozen villages were torched, leaving up to 1,300 dead.
Tens of thousands of people usually live on the mountain's rolling slopes, drawn to soil made fertile by generations of molten lava and volcanic debris.
Many of them fled at the first re-eruption and the evacuation in army trucks, cars and on motorcycles continued yesterday - though the dust means visibility is a serious hazard.
But more than 75,000 of them are now packed in crowded government camps well away from the base and, with no sign Merapi is going to quiet any time soon, may have to stay for weeks, or possibly months.
Some officials warned food, water and other supplies were running short.
Mount Merapi's danger zone was widened on Wednesday from six miles to nine miles from the peak.
Even so, dozens of villagers displaced by the disaster took advantage of a brief lull in activity today to head back up the mountain to check on their livestock.
'We are really scared, but we have to feed our cattle,' said Sukadi, a 48-year-old farmer, as he brought grass to Boyong, his village six miles from the crater.
'We're just going quickly,' added Semin, 54, his friend. 'We'll head back to the camp as soon as we're done... our families are there.'
Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 235 million people, is prone to earthquakes and volcanoes because it sits along the Pacific 'Ring of Fire,' a horseshoe-shaped string of faults that lines the Pacific.:::
Kesihannya, menjadi dilema buat penduduk ini semua...diharapkan warga negara Indonesia yang kaya raya, billionaire dan millionaire tu, jangan lupa sedekah lah makanan, air minum, unit kemah untuk didiami keluarga. Kerana belum di ketahui berapa lama ianya akan mengeluarkan larva.. Bantuan alat pernafasan dan perubatan perlu juga kerana mereka menghidu asap toxic yang bersulfur, abu yang merosakan organ pernafasaan serta paru paru..
Tapi jangan lah pula mencari publisiti murah bila buat charity nanti..that is a bit much...
Indonesia adalah negara yang kaya dengan hasil buminya. Malah Indonesia adalah ahli OPEC tak faham kenapa rakyat hidup macam tidak terbela.
Rakyat negara jiran yang berjaya, kaya dan jutawan serta billionaire patut mencurah kan kembali kekayaan mereka untuk rakyat negara sendiri. Salah satu darinya buat lah trust fund untuk membangunkan penempatan baru yang selamat untuk penduduk di situ. Jangan lah bila ada goyah sikit mereka cabut anak beranak pergi ke negara lain. Bila mereka membantu, jangan pula ambil kesempatan nak jadi tuan tanah dan mengambil kesempatan untuk menambah kah kekayaan diri lagi..fikirkan rakyat, society..sebab org kaya kaya ini semua tamak dan hanya mencari ruang mengukuhkan kedudukan dan kekayaan sendiri dari orang lain...
Time to give back to the society by this rich family tyoon of Indonesia. Sudah tiba waktunya kerajaan negara ini kena mengkaji dan melaksanakan cara mengawal, menempatkan penempatan baru, menjaga kebajikan rakyat secara teratur dan mengurangkan pengembangan penduduk..
Untuk yang tinggal di negara serantau berdekatan dengan kejadian ini, berhati hati bila terbang. Jangan lah pulak tersangkut sebab penerbangan dibatal kerana bara abu yang banyak membahayakan pesawat etc.
muka merapi
Thursday, 4 November 2010
dua ujian besar didalam 24jam...
Photos are from DMa1l with many thanks..
Jika kita lihat peta disebelah kanan ini gempa ini berlaku tidak jauh dari bumi Malaysia...kalau di lihat dekat benar dengan kita...
Bersyukurlah wahai rakyat Malaysia semua..tidak kira bangsa dan kepercayaan. Kita mesti insaf dan hidup bersama, hormat menghormati sesama insan.. Janganlah berpecah belah kerana tamak haloba dan penting kan diri sendiri sahaja. Jangan jadi Naina Kitul...
Gambar yang saya ambil dari Dmail ini tidak mengikut turutan peristiwa. Cuma setakat untuk kita berkongsi information sahaja.
Bayangkan gambar gambar ini hanya beberapa keping sahaja sahaja, tapi bayangkan didalam realiti betapa kelamkabut dan kacau bilau nya hidup mereka, melarikan diri dan menyelamatkan diri masing masing, anak anak dan keluarga....
Bangun tidur terus berlari...berlari dan tiada penghujung bila hidup kembali segera..
Ujian buat mereka di sana. Hidup sudahlah susah... diuji dengan ujian sebegini... mereka manusia yang tabah.. Dilahirkan, dibesarkan dan membina kehidupan di situ..
Bayi di bawah kehilangan ibu bapa didalam kejadian gempa bumi dan tsunami yang terbaru ini. Lihatlah mukanya yang tercedera...
petikan dibawah di ambil dari dmail with thanks:
::"Padang Sumatra is on the same stretch of coastline as Aceh, the epicentre for the tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, when 200,000 people in 13 countries were killed. At least 128,000 people died in Indonesia alone
buildings in the coastal village of Betu Monga were destroyed, said Hardimansyah, an official with the Department of Fisheries.
'Of the 200 people living in that village, only 40 have been found. One hundred and sixty are still missing, mostly women and children,' he said.
'We have people reporting to the security post here that they could not hold on to their children, that they were swept away. A lot of people are crying.'
Hardimansyah, who has only one name, said 80 per cent of the houses in the area were damaged and food supplies are low.
In Jakarta, Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said the tremor that struck at 1642 BST and was centred about 48 miles south-west of the Pagai Selatan in Mentawai Island.
It was reportedly felt in five towns in Bengkulu and West Sumatra provinces. One eyewitness in the city of Padang, Sofyan Alawi, said: 'Everyone was running out of their houses.'
Mr Alawi also said that with loudspeakers from mosques blaring out tsunami warnings, the roads leading to surrounding hills were quickly jammed with cars and motorcycles.
'We kept looking back to see if a wave was coming,' said 28-year-old resident Ade Syahputra.
The city of Padang was badly shaken a year ago by a 7.6-magnitude quake that killed at least 700 people and flattened or severely damaged 180,000 buildings.
The world's largest archipelago, Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity due to its location on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire."::
Survivor: A villager holds a baby which was orphaned by the tsunami
Wlaupun didalam keadaan serba dharurat, mangsa mangsa di tutup dengan apa sahaja..
Di dalam tempoh 24 jam pula keadaan kediaman, kawasan yang dilitupi abu larva dari gunung merapi ini masuk sehingga ke dalam rumah kediaman...
Gambar pemuda melihat motorsikalnya di kampung Kaliadem village in Sleman..
Dibawah penyelamat mencari mangsa di kawasan kediaman..

Rumah musnah bila merapi meletup.. Haiwan ternakan mati menjadi mangsa..
Penyelamat mencari penduduk kampung
Keadaan didalam rumah...
Gambar dibawah gunung masa sebelum meletop..
Jangan ingat gambar ini menakjubkan, ianya menakutkan...subhanallah...
Dua gambar dibawah diambil dari evening std with thanks
Merapi di Kepulauan Jawa...
Jika kita lihat peta disebelah kanan ini gempa ini berlaku tidak jauh dari bumi Malaysia...kalau di lihat dekat benar dengan kita...
Bersyukurlah wahai rakyat Malaysia semua..tidak kira bangsa dan kepercayaan. Kita mesti insaf dan hidup bersama, hormat menghormati sesama insan.. Janganlah berpecah belah kerana tamak haloba dan penting kan diri sendiri sahaja. Jangan jadi Naina Kitul...
Gambar yang saya ambil dari Dmail ini tidak mengikut turutan peristiwa. Cuma setakat untuk kita berkongsi information sahaja.
Bayangkan gambar gambar ini hanya beberapa keping sahaja sahaja, tapi bayangkan didalam realiti betapa kelamkabut dan kacau bilau nya hidup mereka, melarikan diri dan menyelamatkan diri masing masing, anak anak dan keluarga....
Bangun tidur terus berlari...berlari dan tiada penghujung bila hidup kembali segera..
Ujian buat mereka di sana. Hidup sudahlah susah... diuji dengan ujian sebegini... mereka manusia yang tabah.. Dilahirkan, dibesarkan dan membina kehidupan di situ..
Bayi di bawah kehilangan ibu bapa didalam kejadian gempa bumi dan tsunami yang terbaru ini. Lihatlah mukanya yang tercedera...
petikan dibawah di ambil dari dmail with thanks:
::"Padang Sumatra is on the same stretch of coastline as Aceh, the epicentre for the tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, when 200,000 people in 13 countries were killed. At least 128,000 people died in Indonesia alone
buildings in the coastal village of Betu Monga were destroyed, said Hardimansyah, an official with the Department of Fisheries.
'Of the 200 people living in that village, only 40 have been found. One hundred and sixty are still missing, mostly women and children,' he said.
'We have people reporting to the security post here that they could not hold on to their children, that they were swept away. A lot of people are crying.'
Hardimansyah, who has only one name, said 80 per cent of the houses in the area were damaged and food supplies are low.
In Jakarta, Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said the tremor that struck at 1642 BST and was centred about 48 miles south-west of the Pagai Selatan in Mentawai Island.
It was reportedly felt in five towns in Bengkulu and West Sumatra provinces. One eyewitness in the city of Padang, Sofyan Alawi, said: 'Everyone was running out of their houses.'
Mr Alawi also said that with loudspeakers from mosques blaring out tsunami warnings, the roads leading to surrounding hills were quickly jammed with cars and motorcycles.
'We kept looking back to see if a wave was coming,' said 28-year-old resident Ade Syahputra.
The city of Padang was badly shaken a year ago by a 7.6-magnitude quake that killed at least 700 people and flattened or severely damaged 180,000 buildings.
The world's largest archipelago, Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity due to its location on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire."::

Wlaupun didalam keadaan serba dharurat, mangsa mangsa di tutup dengan apa sahaja..
Di dalam tempoh 24 jam pula keadaan kediaman, kawasan yang dilitupi abu larva dari gunung merapi ini masuk sehingga ke dalam rumah kediaman...
Gambar pemuda melihat motorsikalnya di kampung Kaliadem village in Sleman..


Rumah musnah bila merapi meletup.. Haiwan ternakan mati menjadi mangsa..
Penyelamat mencari penduduk kampung
Keadaan didalam rumah...
Gambar dibawah gunung masa sebelum meletop..
Jangan ingat gambar ini menakjubkan, ianya menakutkan...subhanallah...
::dual disasters that both struck in a 24-hour period::
Dua gambar dibawah diambil dari evening std with thanks
Merapi di Kepulauan Jawa...
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