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Sunday 21 August 2011

bencana alam- adakah semula jadi atau artificial

Dalam kita bertelagah, tuduh menuduh hal kain dalam dan bak peribahasa  kata org putih periuk memanggil cerek hitam (pot kettle black) tuduh menuduh sanggah menyanggah kita dan bangsa kita menjadi leka. Malah yang diberi mandat pun sibuk nak pertahankan diri bila disanggah begitu teruk dan ada yang menyanggah habis habisan..Sehingga kita terlupa apatah lagi yang diberi mandat memerintah, benda benda yang patut di lakukan mengenai risiko negara kita contohnya gempa bumi, tsunami atau pergerakan permukaan pantai menyebabkan kita makin hampir dengan negarayang berstatus gempa bumi ini..

Kita juga hilang punca bila fokus asik lah pasal sorang hamba Allah ini yang masih nak jadi mamak bendahara.. Lalu di kisar dikitainya  keamanan dan perpaduan .. di kaitkan dan di jolok dan di canangkan. Tak cukup di bulldozekan dan di hara huru kan supaya keadaan ekonomi terjejas.. Semua ini bersebab..kerana bila rakyat marah periuk tak berasap, dia dapat lah melanyak masuk denagn segara bantuan anasir anasir .. yang digeruni kekuatannya..
Orng kita hanya nampak apa saja di permukaan..

Yang memerintah pula sibuk menepis seperti bermain badminton, Segolongan pula menjadi orang yang terpuji dan terpilih lalu menggunakan agama sebagai platform. Rakyat semakin keliru dan semakin serba salah..semua pehak orang alim dan terpuji walau semua pehak sama saja..hitam putihnya..

Keadaan alam sekitar berdekatan tidak dikesah sangat sebab rakyat tidak prihatin sgt mengenai nya kerana asik mahsyuknya menjadi ahli p0l itik  yang terkedek kedek macam itik  menyokong sapa yang paling  nampak  macam malaikat(walaupun tidak). YANG mengharukan bagi mereka yang taghu kebenaran menggunakan peluang ini menafikan mana yang benar dan tidak kerana untuk menangguk di air yang keruh.. kerana cita cita seumur hidup nak jadi pemimpin..

Yang menyedehkan kebanyakkan mereka tiada pekerjaan lain jadi sebelum pencen mati(sebelum nafas di ghembuskan bagi terakhir) mesti jadi ketua..lain lain lain cerita..Cita cita yang utama asalkan jadi ... baik kiri tengah atau kanan tepi sama saja. cita cita mengatasi kesejahteraan umum..

Dari masa terbuang dengan hal mereka ini semua, bilakah dapat pentadbir memikirkan jangka masa depan, apakah langkah perlyu diambil untuk risiko gempa bumi semakin hampir dan apa preundangan dan rangka kerja perlu dilakuikan untuk perumahan dan pembangunan terbaru.. adakah ianya mengambil kira  peraturan ketat supaya semua kontraktor bangunan hendaklah menyediakan asas yang kukuh dari gempa bumi.. dsbnya
Apa perlu dilakukan jika tahap richter yang tinggi turut melimpahi seluruh malaysia.. apa perlu dilakukan bila alunan ombak yang turut terbina semakin kuat  dan tnggi?  Apakah perlu dilakukan untuk mengawal pantai yang mencerun melandai  atau runtuh dipecah ombak?
Apakah pemmbangunan yang perlu dan tidak perlu.. bahaya yang bakal melanda jika projek diteruskan..
ADAKAH terfikir kenapa kita selalu banjir kilat? Mana air nak melimpah dan serap kebumi,. tarmac dan simen melitup segala..tiada kawasan atau pokok yang mencukupi..

Selain dari gempa bumi dan bencana alam semula jadi, kita perlu memikirkan samada adakah beberapa pembangunan boleh menjadi punca bencana alam semula jadi?

Siapa yang berhampiran dengan perairan kita dekat dengan Indian Ocean melaksanakan ujian senjata? Siapakah  yang melakukan ujian yang menggegarkan perut bumi beberapa km dibawah laut...Semua ini perlu di kaji .. tapi kita asik bertelagah.. yang bruang sekor ni pulak dia mengaku dia baik dgn kaum jadah tu pulak.. boleh lak dia bangga. dan bermuka muka pulak.. macam macam taktik di pakai.. tak cukup dia rusuh tak cukup guna la pulak serban... tolonglah ubahkanlah.. pencen dah sure dapat title dah ada.. duduk rumah berjuta juta walau bercuti di kondo sg  beberapa tahun. Hidup memang kenyang..,mana yang declare dan yang tak declare hidup hidup mereka tetap senang. Makan minum dia tak payah bayar ada sponsor...

Tapi tolonglah jangan dibakar runtuhkan satu satunya masyarakat kita ini kehidupan yang aman damai..
Barang makan naik minyak masak naik beras toksah cakap mahal, lauk asik kena belit dengan eperaih dan pemborong..

Selain dari  kita kena hidup aman dan tolak semua yang dah patut bersara umur dah 55 .. dah jadi pol  itik yang lama dan berkurap  baik yang kiri tengah kanan dan atas pagar..

Supaya kita dapat fokus untuk memaju dan membangunkan serta melindungi rakyat dan bumi kita yang Allah kurniakan.

Jangan jadi negara jiran seberang yang kaya dgn galian tapi dimiliki dan di hisap sedut keluar oleh negara terkaya didunia.. yang kurap  makin kurap maka kebajikan rakyat tak terjaga..
Jangan juga kita jadi macam ada negara rakyat hidup melarat spesis ecoli yang terkuat berbiak dari sana kerana sistem perparitan, air dan infrastruktur langsung tak ada..tapi ada peluru berpandu nuklear..

Berbalik kepada alam sekitar, ada yang mengatakan gempa bumi dan tsu nami 2004 adalah ujian oleh hamlau dari negara jadah dan terbesar didunia..Wallahualam..boleh la tanya si Mmamat yang melalok ajak orang merusuh sebab tu semua kawan baik dia.. suruh dia tanyakan betul ke kaum jadah dan si buli melakukan ujian senjata didasar laut masa gempa bumi 2004? pastinya akan dijawab tidak sama sekali..

Bacalah artikel di sini 

separuh petikannya dibawah :
:By Jason Jeffrey::

::Precautions against unconventional arms must be intensified as potential terrorists develop chemical and biological weapons and electromagnetic methods that could create holes in the ozone layer or trigger earthquakes or volcanoes.

– Former US Secretary of Defense William Cohen speaking at the University of Georgia, 1997

The devastating tsunami created December 26, 2004 by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake that killed more than 300,000 people on the shores of the Indian Ocean caught the world off guard. It was the largest earthquake since the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday Earthquake off Alaska in 1964, and ties for fourth largest since 1900.

The earthquake that struck the Indonesian island of Sumatra occurred in a location geologists know is susceptible to powerful earthquakes. The quake occurred along a “subduction zone,” in which the Indian tectonic plate is being subducted, or pulled beneath, the Burma tectonic platelet. The overlying plate jumped upward more than 4.5 metres, lifting the water above it and setting off the tsunami.

For some, the finger of blame doesn’t point squarely at nature but at top secret military testing in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The Egyptian weekly magazine Al-Osboa claimed the earthquake that triggered the tsunami “was possibly” caused by an Indian nuclear experiment in which “Israeli and American nuclear experts participated”.

An Australian researcher, Joe Vialls,1 in his article “Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami?” analyses how easy it would be to deliver “a multi-megaton thermonuclear weapon to the bottom of the Sumatran Trench, and then detonate it with awesome effect.”

Days after the disaster, Canadian Professor Michel Chossudovsky wrote an article titled “Foreknowledge of A Natural Disaster: Washington was aware that a deadly Tidal Wave was building up in the Indian Ocean”.2 He noted “the US Navy was fully aware of the deadly tidal wave, because the Navy was on the Pacific Warning Centre’s list of contacts. Moreover, America’s strategic Naval base on the island of Diego Garcia had also been notified. Although directly in the path of the tidal wave, the Diego Garcia military base reported ‘no damage’.”

“With modern communications, the information of an impending disaster could have been sent around the world in a matter of minutes, by email, by telephone, by fax, not to mention by live satellite television,” he adds.

Others see the catastrophe as a ‘sign of the times’ in which we live, and a portent of what is to come as the Earth and humanity experience even more changes as part of the end of a world cycle.

Natural Earthquakes

Natural earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates over the Earth’s mantle. Sandwiched between Earth’s crust and molten outer core, the vast mantle accounts for 83 percent of the planet’s volume. It is filled with solid rock but, heated by the core and by its own radioactive decay, it circulates like a pot of impenetrable soup. That circulation is the driving force behind the surface motion of tectonic plates, which builds mountains and causes earthquakes.

The destructive power of an earthquake comes from the momentum gathered when two opposing “faults” or tectonic plates that may have been locked together for decades, suddenly move apart. The result is that solid rock which normally moves only with the passing of geological ages accelerates briefly to 8000 kmh, unleashing huge quantities of energy and creating a shaking movement of up to a metre a second.

Most people consider earthquakes to be natural in origin, but what if there was such a thing as man-made earthquakes? Well, there are. There is the official version of what constitutes a man-made earthquake, and then there is a body of suppressed research pointing to a more insidious agenda.

Artificially-Induced Earthquakes

Officially, there is an area of research devoted to man-made earthquakes. Geologists and seismologists agree earthquakes can be induced in five major ways: fluid injection into the Earth, fluid extraction from the Earth, mining or quarrying, nuclear testing and through the construction of dams and reservoirs.

In fact, there are officially recorded instances of earthquakes caused by human activity.

Geologists discovered that disposal of waste fluids by means of injecting them deep into the Earth could trigger earthquakes after a series of quakes in the Denver area occurred from 1962-1965; the periods and amounts of injected waste coincided with the frequency and magnitude of quakes in the Denver area. The earthquakes were triggered because the liquid, which was injected under very high pressure, released stored strain energy in the rocks.

Man-made earthquakes may seem like something out of the X-Files, and it’s probably only a matter of time before the idea is picked up by Hollywood.

The plotline of Hammer of Eden, written by best-selling author Ken Follett, revolves around a terrorist group threatening to level San Francisco with a man-made earthquake. When asked by Salon magazine how real is the idea of a man-made earthquake, Follett replied that, “Some of the seismologists told me, ‘There’s no way this could happen.’ But others gave sad little shrugs and said, ‘It’s hard to say. Who knows? Maybe. It’s within the realm of possibly.’”

Suppressed Research:

Tesla Technologies

Born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Nikola Tesla is one of the 20th century’s greatest scientists. A prodigious inventor of electronic devices and pioneer of free energy, Tesla never gained the recognition he deserved because his scientific breakthroughs were deemed too ‘sensitive’ by the corporate and government powers of the day.

In a book entitled Tesla – The Lost Inventions, a section is headed “Man-Made Earthquake”. It discloses Tesla’s fascination with the power of resonance and how he experimented with it not only electrically but on the mechanical plane as well. In his Manhattan lab, Tesla built mechanical vibrators and tested their powers. One experiment got out of hand.

Tesla attached a powerful little vibrator driven by compressed air to a steel pillar. Leaving it there, he went about his business. Meanwhile, down the street, a violent quaking built up, shaking down plaster, bursting plumbing, cracking windows, and breaking heavy machinery off its anchorages.

Tesla’s vibrator had found the resonant frequency of a deep sandy layer of subsoil beneath his building, setting off a small earthquake. Soon Tesla’s own building began to quake. It is reported that just as the police broke into his lab, Tesla was seen smashing the device with a sledge hammer, the only way he could promptly stop it.

In a similar experiment, on an evening walk through the city, Tesla attached a battery powered vibrator, described as being the size of an alarm clock, to the steel framework of a building under construction. He adjusted it to a suitable frequency and set the structure into resonant vibration.

The structure shook, and so did the earth under his feet. Tesla later boasted he could shake down the Empire State Building with such a device. If this claim was not extravagant enough, he went on to say a large-scale resonant vibration was capable of splitting the Earth in half.

An article from the July 11, 1935 issue of the New York American entitled ‘Tesla’s Controlled Earthquakes’, stated Tesla’s “experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the Earth – called by him ‘the art of telegeodynamics’ – were roughly described by the scientists as a sort of controlled earthquake.”

The article quotes Tesla as saying:

The rhythmical vibrations pass through the Earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects. The invention could be used with destructive effect in war…

The January 1978 edition of Specula magazine ran an article describing an incredibly profound phenomenon that could be produced within the Earth by what is called the ‘Tesla Effect.’

According to the article, electromagnetic signals of certain frequencies can be transmitted through the Earth to form standing waves in the Earth itself. In certain cases, coherence to this standing wave can be induced wherein a fraction of the vast, surging electromagnetic current of the Earth itself feeds into and augments the induced standing wave.

In other words, “much more energy is now present in the standing wave than the ...amount being fed in from the Earth’s surface.” By interferometer techniques, giant standing waves can be combined to produce a focused beam of very great energy. This can then be used to produce earthquakes induced at distant aiming points.

Tesla expressed grave concerns about the effects of this technology because it is exactly the type of thing that could easily get out of control once it begins vibrating within the Earth – and it could actually cause the Earth to vibrate to pieces.

Another leading Tesla researcher and nuclear engineer, Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, lecturing at a Symposium of the US Psychotronics Association (USPA) in 1981, stated:

Tesla found that he could set up standing waves… in the Earth (the molten core), or, just set it up through the rocks – the telluric activity in the rocks would furnish activity into these waves and one would get more potential energy in those waves than he put in. He called the concept the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (TMT).

Bearden goes on to explain how TMTs worked:

They will go through anything. What you do is that you set up a standing wave through the Earth and the molten core of the Earth begins to feed that wave (we are talking Tesla now). When you have that standing wave, you have set up a triode. What you’ve done is that the molten core of the Earth is feeding the energy and it’s like your signal – that you are putting in – is gating the grid of a triode… Then what you do is that you change the frequency. If you change the frequency one way (start to dephase it), you dump the energy up in the atmosphere beyond the point on the other side of the Earth that you focused upon. You start ionising the air, you can change the weather flow patterns (jet streams etc) – you can change all that – if you dump it gradually, real gradually – you influence the heck out of the weather. It’s a great weather machine. If you dump it sharply, you don’t get little ionisation like that. You will get flashes and fireballs (plasma) that will come down on the surfaces of the Earth… you can cause enormous weather changes over entire regions by playing that thing back and forth.

HAARP: The Pentagon’s Ultimate Weapon

In an Arctic compound 450 kilometres east of Anchorage, Alaska, the Pentagon has erected a powerful transmitter designed to beam more than a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Known as Project HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the experiment involves the world’s largest “ionospheric heater,” a device designed to zap the skies hundreds of kilometres above the Earth with high-frequency radio waves.

Why irradiate the charged particles of the ionosphere (which when energised by natural processes make up the lovely and famous phenomenon known as the Northern Lights)? According to the US Navy and Air Force, co-sponsors of the project, “to observe the complex natural variations of Alaska’s ionosphere.” As well, admit the Pentagon, to develop new forms of communications and surveillance technologies to enable the military to send signals to nuclear submarines and to peer deep underground.

Ever since the existence of HAARP became public, a number of independent researchers have warned the operation has a secret agenda including weather modification, mind control, hi-tech military experiments, and the triggering of earthquakes.

HAARP transmissions may also be used for the detection and monitoring of electromagnetic or “plasma” phenomena, precursors of seismic activity and tectonic movement. Researchers believe HAARP transmissions are actually being used to activate or trigger exactly the same electromagnetic conditions that can cause tectonic movement...."::

Petikan dari :
There are three main types of catastrophic events we need to prepare for:

■Natural and man-made disasters – This includes things like the recent Japanese quake, tsunami and nuclear reactor dangers, and other seismic events such as mega-quakes and volcanic eruptions; flooding and extreme weather events (short-term); bioterrorism or nuclear terrorism; nuclear or toxic accidents; infectious disease pandemics, and anything else that nature or humans can dish out en masse. This can also include local or regional events such as school shootings, bus accidents, train derailments, etc.

■Geopolitical events – Political uprisings, revolutions, coups and regime changes resulting in violence and riots; invasions and outbreaks of war.

■Long term challenges – Global climate change; global economic downturn; oil, water and food shortages; massive species die-offs and agricultural impacts.

There will be disasters and events that we simply cannot fully prepare for. The biggest and best earthquake kit in the world could not help many of the dead in Japan, and few of us can outrun a tsunami or a tornado bearing down upon our home without ample warning. Nuclear explosions happen in an instant, and terrorism doesn’t usually come with public warnings that give us time to find our loved ones and protect ourselves from bio-warfare or weapons of mass destruction. If a five-mile wide asteroid hits, or a supervolcano erupts, we may have little more to do than just pray and tell those we love just how much they mean to us. There will be times that all the preparation in the world cannot prepare us for what is to come on any level. But we still must do our best. Knowledge, information and preparation have tremendous power, and should we survive, we can then do the most important thing of all… help others.
We will, no matter how arrogant we may be, never control nature. But we can control our humanity, our reactions, our preparedness, our attitudes and our behaviour. If we do not take responsibility for taking better care of ourselves, our communities, and our planet, then yes, it won’t take long before we become a big part of the Sixth Great Extinction as one of the many species that will never be seen or heard from again.

The choice is ours.:


sudah tiba kita menolak hamlau yang suka merusuh dari aktif dari ploitik   kerana dia akan memanipulasi minda rakyat yang serba simple dan mudah dikelentong.. dan naive..juga ahli politik yang tidak pernah berkerja seperti average joe.. Dia lupa krisis kewangan diaincharged  ikut arahan kawan baik imf dia serigala son etc naikkan interest rate, mana rakyat msia nak bayar loan rumah keta dsbnya syariakt tak dapat bayar hutang melalui loan , takde business ramai kehilangan kerja...dan macam macam lagi.. tapi org kita seperti biasa ada masalah memory..lupa..nyaris nyaris banyak bank bungkus dan ramai org menganggur..kalau bank luar dan syarikat dari negara terbesar masuk shopping macam beli kayu buruk murah giler.. tapi tetap org kita buta dan muliakan lagi orang yang sanggup menggadaikan negara dan bangsa sendiri...

pergi rusuh..busukkan negara sendiri.. tanpa tahu segala punca dan sejarah...bangsa..tanahair
Kita kena fikirkan masa depan anak cucu dan generasi akan datang. Jangan kita hancurkan payung negara dan bangsa kerana kita setia dgn orang yang sudah cukup masa untuk duduk dirumah beribadat..kalau nak bantu rakyat, banyak lagi chariti dan rumah orang tua yang perlukan mereka mengajar ugama mengaji dan macam macam lagi...

Kita kena bersyukur dan panjat kan doa dibulan mulia ini supaya kita mampu hidup aman dan damai, rezeki yang murah serta kita dapat melaksanakan kehidupan dan anak kita, cucu kita genrasi semua dapat meneruskan tradisi yang baik dan mulia..
Bak kata kawan yang tinggal di tempat kena rusuhan di England.. tidak pernah rasa setakut ini bila tidak diketahui perusuh ini tiba tiba muncul saja dan memecah masuk ke kediaman dan mencucuh api pada rumah kediaman tanpa sebab walaupun penghuni sedang tidur nyenyak didalam. mereka muncul begitu saja..tanopa dapat dijangka..
Perasaan takut yang amat (erie) dan pihak berkuasa tidak dapat datang ke kawasan yang dikerumuni perusuh kutu ini..
Bayangkan ..lah

Kerosakan pada nyawa, harta dan juga nama baik negara dan pelabur pun tak berani nak datang meniaga.. maka kurang lah pendapatan dari hasil cukai dan sebagainya...

tolak mereka yang mengajak melakukan kecedaraan, negative pada negara dan bangsa serta keamanan bangsa. walaupun alasannya ianya untuk membersihkan longkang dan sebagainya ..

Jangan di layan .. lagi lagi kalau keluar dari rumah rehat masuk mahligai berjuta juta .....persoalkan..