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Monday 4 October 2010

Superfood - Semanggi - water cress - elok untuk membunuh sel kanser payudara?

Nama scientifik watercress watercress  adalah nasturtium officinale  dan dari kelumpuk Cruciferea. Hidup di merata dunia. Terbaru dari kajian dikatakan sayur watercress adalah mengandungi  bahan phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) telah didapati menghalang protin yang membenarkan sel kanser untuk tumbuh. Ia juga menghalang pembekalan  sumber oksigen dan bekalan darah yang penting ke  sel kanser.
Siapa sangka kadangkala anak watercrest yang bercambah pucuk daun 2 helai macam taugeh dipotong dan buat perhiasan sahaja dipinggan makan  (garnishing) di hotel hotel atau di restoren yang mahal.

Saya selalu beli buat nasi ulam potong seinchi  panjang dicampurkan dengan nasi sebagai bahan nasi kerabu dan makan mentah mentah  begitu saja sebagai sayur dengan nasi atau mi sup, watercress ini. Atau sebagai sayur ulam salad begitu saja sahaja. Jika tidak pun tumis bawang putih ala kadar masukkan sayur ini.. makan dengan nasi.. sedap...
Sayur ini hidup dikawasan air mengalir yang bersih atau ditanam di tanah yang berair atau lembap.
Masyarakat Tionghua mengamalkan watercress sebagai bahan masakan  makanan mereka. Di negara kita ianya dikenali sebagai Chinese watercress atau dikalangan masyarakat Melayu dikenali sebagai daun semanggi.
Di Cameron Highland ada ditanam watercress ini dikenali sebagai Water Cress Valley.

Gambar Chinese Watercress ini  diambil dari

Sayur  ini berasal dari eropah. Di waktu ini ia dikategorikan sebagai SUPERFOOD. Kenapa superfood?
Bacalah petikan akhbar Dmail  dibawah:

::Eating watercress every day could stop breast cancer tumours from growing::

By Da1ly Mail Reporter

 on 14th September 2010

"Eating watercress every day could help to prevent breast cancer, researchers have found.

The 'super food' can help to 'turn off' a signal in the body and thereby help starve the tumour of essential blood and oxygen, according to experts at the University of Southampton.

The compound that gives watercress a peppery taste has been found to block a protein that allows cancer tumours to grow

The found that volunteers who ate 80 grams of watercress a day, equivalent to a cereal bowl sized helping, had elevated levels of cancer-fighting molecules in their blood within hours of eating the salad leaves.

The research found that the compound, phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), which gives the salad leaf a peppery taste, is able to interfere with the function of a protein that plays a critical role in cancer development.

As tumours develop they rapidly outgrow their existing blood supply and further development isn't possible until they are able to obtain enough oxygen and nutrients to maintain the growth of cancer cells.

To get past this roadblock, the cancer cells send out signals which cause the surrounding normal tissues to grow new blood vessels into the tumour which then supply oxygen and nutrients.

The protein Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) is at the heart of this process of inducing new blood vessel growth. However, PEITC, of which watercress is the richest natural source, was shown in laboratory tests to have the ability to block the function of HIF.

The research, which was funded by the Watercress Alliance, provides new hope to the 45,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer each year."     

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Wallahua'allam.Banyak kajian  dengan watercress ini dibuat dibeberapa University selain dari Univ. Southampton.

Selain dari itu  petikan dari watercresdotcom:

""Wonderful Watercress…Mother Nature’s idea for the perfect natural multi-vitamin, body cleansing detoxicant, and curative powerhouse…and it tastes great too!

Not many people realize that Watercress is a better source of vitamins C, B1, B6, K, E, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, and Potassium than Apples, Broccoli, and Tomatoes…It is a true SUPER-VEGGIE!

If Only Popeye had known…

And there’s more…

By weight, Watercress has more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than an orange and more absorbable Iron than Spinach (spinach is loaded with Oxlactic acid, which blocks the natural absorption of iron). A single 4 ounce bunch has more than a full days RDA for Potassium.

Wonderful Watercress stacks up nutritionally with your favorite SUPER-VEGGIE…"
"Watercress. Super for Juicing

The juice extracted from watercress is one of the best body-cleansers and toxin-neutralizers. It is extremely high in sulphur, which represents more than one third of all its mineral elements and salts....Watercress juice is a powerful intestinal cleanser, removes toxic impurities from the body, heals kidney and bladder inflammation, regulates the glands, dissolves rheumatic poisons, eradicates skin affections, stimulate the circulation and tones up the entire system."- dari watercressdotcom.

gambar yang la watercress yang jelas klik ini 

Read more: -1311834/Watercress-helps-stop-breast-cancer-tumours-growing.html
thanks to dmail and watercressdotcom.
semoga ianya benar benar membawa menafaat pada semua...